About a month ago my two dwarf hamsters disappeared. I have a cat, and we assumed that she had gotten into their cage, even though we don't really know how. Two weeks ago, she brought out, from her hiding place, a dead and decomposing hamster. But today, about an hour ago, she brought out another. We thought it was dead but she dropped it and it ran. I had to chase the cat down to get the hamster away, and I'm sure that only made the bites worse. I caught the hamster and I have put her in a smaller cage lined with some toilet paper and cotton balls. I've given her food and water, and a bit of carrot. I cleaned up two punctures, one in her ear, and one on her neck, with hydrogen peroxide. I washed her up with a wet washcloth and dried her up, and now I'm watching her. Any advice!? I'm so worried about her, she's so little, and I have no idea if she's eaten or drank anything in the time she was missing!