
Hamster promblem ???

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i am getting a hamster on friday

i have a cage , food , water , and toys

i am getting a boy but know my sis wants a hamster ... my mom only wants one cage so if i put her hamster in with a boy will they get alone ???

and can i get a list of stuff that will make my hamster happy




  1. Well yeah if you're gonna get 2 boys they are gonna fight to see who's domanit

  2. if your sis hamster is a girl.... idk.  everything that you have already gotten is good, dont get wood bedding, it can cause breathing problems, get the Care fresh extra soft bedding i think it comes in different colors too. mines blue. I have heard getting vitamin drops to put in his water keeps your hamster healthy and get like a little hut that is edible i got that and he loves it he sleeps in it and bites on it too. he may bite on the metal part of the cage there teeth grow fast and if your hamster has long hair near his rear the bedding will sometimes get caught in the hair and all you have to do is gently pull it off to keep him clean. good luck!and have fun, i may get a second hamster and my dad said not to have 2 hamsters together in one cage, but you can introduce one another so they can play.

  3. you can get dwarf hamsters and put them in the same cage, but never syrians.

    a huge cage

    a varied diet

    lots of things that are hard to get into, this makes them think, and therefore they are not bored and happy instead

    different levels

  4. Hamsters need to be kept alone or they will fight, especially two males. I would suggest getting gerbils. Their care is very similar to hamsters except that they like to live in pairs. If you buy two young males at the same time they'll get along fine.

  5. If you are getting a syrian hamster, definitely NO. Syrian hamsters are very territorial and solitary and can fight viciously if they are in the same cage and also kill each other.

    Dwarf hamsters can live together if they are from the same litter or have been introduced at the same young age.If they are not from the same litter or have an age difference, they can fight too.

    So I think you it would be better if you provide separate habitats for the two hamsters.

    Here are some of the essentials in every starter kit.


    Generally, there are 3 types of cages, aquarium cages, wire cages and connectable cages. Choose one that is most suitable for your preference.


    Bedding is used to absorb the smell and odours of your hamster's urine. In general, fluffy/cellulose, cedar and pine bedding are said to be detrimental to the health of your hamster. Opt for safer bedding such as aspen wood shavings instead.

    3.Exercise Equipment

    A wheel is not a luxury item but a NECCESSITY for the hamster. Hamsters are naturally active and a lack of exercise might result in paralysis, where an afflicted hamster will spend most of its time hunched over, often unable to raise its head. Besides the wheel, ladders, exercise ball and other toys also provide good exercise.

    4.Water bottle

    Gravity water bottles that hang from the side of the cage are the best way to provide water. These bottles are designed not to leak, your pet won’t be able to knock them over, and spilled food won’t contaminate the water as it would if you kept water in a dish. Make sure the bottle you buy is big enough to hold at least an entire day’s worth of water for your pet. Offer your pet fresh water daily, and clean the bottle regularly. Choose a chew-resistant bottle and holder to keep your pet from gnawing on the bottle.

    5.Food Dish and food

    Choose a gnaw-proof, bottom-weighted food dish so that your hamster will not topple the food all over the cage. The food dish should be big enough to hold daily food supplies as well as to allow your hamster to sit in it comfortably. Buy a reliable brand of hamster mix that contains nutrients to a healthy diet for your hamster.

    Last but not least, in addition to the above, the most important things you can give to your hamster are lots of love, patience and tender loving care.

    To indulge your hamster, you can buy hamster toys and treats which are available at all pet shops.

  6. They might fight, but if the cage is big enough make sure they stay away. Also make sue you get 2 wheels were they booth can run becuz trust me they both will fight over one. And here is a website were u can get stuff for ur hamsters that will make them happy.

  7. no, hamsters will fight to the death if put in the same cage. they are solitary and don't enjoy the company of another hamster.
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