
Hamster trouble!?

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If my friend has a MALE teddy bear hamster, and I'm getting a teddybear hamster. what gender should i get so my friends hamster and mine can play.

( i'm thinking of getting a male because i heard it is easier to tame)

Please help!!




  1. definaltly male because female and male could have babies or they also fight alot

  2. I would certainly say to get a male,I wouldn't say they are easier to tame both males and females can take just as long to tame.

    You will have to be careful that they don't fight as just one bite can cause serious harm.

    Also you should really find 'neutral' territory for them to play in as they can be quite Territorial (protective) over there space.

  3. i would get a male just make sure nothing happens and she doesnt get pregnant

  4. What your friend likely has is a long haired SYRIAN hamster. "Teddy Bear" is a cute name to sell them. will have some good information for both you and your friend.

    These are SOLITARY animals  and can not safely play together nor live together.

    If you absolutely must (although the hamsters probably won't enjoy it), you could have them near each other when they are  safely encased in an exercise ball.

    A MUCH better idea would be for both of the friends to play together with a single hamster at a time.

  5. I would not let them play together.  It isn't wise.

  6. male if they it were a female she would fight him(and probably win, girl power!)

  7. get a female so they can have s*x together and make baby hamsters then you can sell them on ebay or make them have s*x together and double your hamsters for maximum hamster pleasure

  8. NEVER put two "teddy bear" hamsters together in the same cage. They will viciously fight and kill each other. "Teddy Bear" hamsters are officially called as Syrian hamsters.

    Syrian hamsters are solitary and territorial. They should always be housed alone. They may tolerate other hamsters when they are young, but by the time they reach 8-10 weeks old, territorial fighting usually starts and may be fatal.

    However as pets, they generally are quite good-natured and easy to tame and handle by us. So go ahead and get your teddy bear hamster but never make him or her play with another teddy bear hamster.

  9. hamsters are animals that like to be left alone and not play, they are very territorial. i have a male and i think males are better to have rather than a female. i think males are more playful  

    good luck :]

  10. Male for sure. If you get a female, she most likely will get pregnant. Or they will fight and most likely kill each other. So you probably should get a male.

    Also make sure that at the pet store, that he is in a cage with more hamster's. Male hamster's get along better than two Female's!
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