
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Do you believe your oven can be haunted? What do you think a Turkey can do if it decides it wants to haunt your oven, make your biscuits rise? Do you believe that the gravey is actually turkey ecto plasm? My oven makes weird noises after I roast a turkey, should I have it blessed? And finally, after we have eaten, everyone feels like they are ready to explode, can this be the trukey's spirit filling you up to the point you cant even button your pants? please, I think I need hepl!!!!!!! anything any ansers just help us! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

    Loaded question there!!  But, there are times where I think my cooking is possesed by demonic souls of holidays past!!  I had a bad time getting my biscuts to rise......

  2. Wow. I hope you know that only an idiot would actually answer the question. You are also an idiot. It is frivilous and annoying people like you that I shall destroy first. I hope your turkey haunts you at night.

  3. Well, dear nuff, rest assured, it is only a temporary condition!  And it only comes once a year!

    Perhaps we can connect with the turkey's spirit in our online seance?  And ask him to leave you alone, at least until next year?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  4. OMG, my turkey is haunted too and he is in my linen closet!

    I recommend having the cranberry sauce blessed. If you do explode are you heading for the light or choosing to hang around and scare the gravy out of friends and relatives???

  5. Interesting concept...If a turkey can haunt, then why not a chicken?  As much chicken as I've eaten in my life I must truely be cursed!  And what does this mean for KFC and Boston Market?  Somebody get the EMF Meter, video cameras, infrared, and taper recorder quick!

  6. maybe the oven needs to be removed

  7. Well, Happy Thanksgiving. anyway.

  8. I'm spending my turkey day with some of my favorite spirit friends, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam!  I hope everyone enjoys their day as much as I will.  Well got a go pull a pie out of the oven.  We have a wood stove and cooking is iffy at best! Jack is helping me with that!  LOL

  9. Ummm, happy Thanksgiving to you too.

    The only strange thing I experience is the ghost of the turkey absorbing all of my energy.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving

  11. happy




    and to everyone else..........

  12. nuff....Back atcha!!!! lol I think you need to take this "question?" to the Mental Health section. I'll be waiting for you. I think you've overdosed on the paranormal. But you can't "check in " there until tomorrow because have to have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!!

    (This is what happens when you eat too much turkey!!)

    EDIT..Ghost seeker...Don't feel bad about your biscuits...We had 2 packages of dinner rolls on top of the fridge for Thanksgiving dinner and some ghost blinded us to the fact they were we had no bread for dinner. After we ate..we looked up and saw them!! Guess he was laughing.

  13. Yur Funny. Maybe it doesnt like yall.

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