
Harassment case in court

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Someone I know is being taken to court for harassment. I know this person is not guilty and the person that is taking my friend to court is a pure b****. She said that my friend threatened to hit her with a stick and my friend was not even in her yard. She has been letting her dogs use the bathroom in my friends yard and he has politely asked her to stop and she will not and now she is taking him to court for supposedly threatening to hit her. There is a pretrial hearing tomorrow can she sue my friend for money?




  1. No one cares, we all have our own probs.

  2. She will have to have more than just her say so that he threatened to hit her, and evein if he did, I don't think she could get a harrasment case out of it. It's not a trial if no one is charged with a crime, so that wouldn't be called a pretrial hearing. If he is charge with a crime, she can't get any money out of it, if there are no property damages. Apparently it's not a lawsuit, it's a criminal charge.

  3. From what you say there are no witnesses so it is difficult to prove. The tables might be turned against the woman for her actions were what started the dispute.

  4. Unless you were there and witnessed the confrontation, you don't actually know what happened.

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