
Hardwood Floor HELP!?

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My daughter spilled Isopropyl Alcohol on our hardwood floor and didn't tell anyone about it and it sat for about 15-20 minutes. Once i found it I cleaned it up but now there is a huge stain where it was laying. How do I get the stain up?




  1. You MIGHT be able to lighten the stain with household ammonia, but try a small test spot first.

  2. It all depends on what type of floor it is. Laminate or solid wood.If it is laminate you better buy a throw rug. Solid wood,Is the stain lighter or darker than the original finish? How old is it? Some older floors are finished with shellac and that would be the best for you,because alcohol dissolves shellac and all you would have to do is touch it up. Shellac comes in 2 colors clear and orange(looks like oak).If it is relatively new it may be an acrylic finish,if so lightly sand the area and blend in with a coat of acrylic varnish(polyurethane) If color is an issue blend in a stain color that matches after sanding and finish when dry.Good luck! Oh! and don't rush it.Let each coat dry completely before using another.
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