
Harmful ghost. Need help asap?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend Jamie had a sleepover at her house and we played this game to communicate with ghosts. Kinda like that board game. We got a paper and wrote down 1-10, a-z, girl/boy, and yes/no. We talked to the spirit in her house and found out about it. She spent the night at my house and ever since then we have been seeing stuff. Maybe her ghost is following her? Who knows. It tried strangling her once. Anyway, its been dimming lights, pulling covers under the bed, it knocked a shelf onto my sister, started talking in a deep voice, etc. The thing i am terrified the most about, is that when we were attempting to sleep (light was on slightly) the wall had a human figure on the wall and when i turned the light on completely Jamie swore she saw a demon jump out at her. If you could tell me how to get the ghost to leave or at least become a good ghost, that would be VERY helpful. My parents wont believe me and i already scared my brother. :/ Serious answer please. Ten points. Thank you!




  1. Get proffessional help. I doubt wether you will get help here. Look for spirit communicators near you area.

    The first answer to your question may not be true. It probably is not in your head. This can be a serious problem. again I suggest: Take proffessional help ASAP before things get out of hand.

  2. there is no such thing as ghosts

  3. I have ghost in my house too.. here is what i say..

        .. As hard and scary as it is.. do this again.. recreate the event and tell the spirt to leave. Tell the spirit to stay off of your property and away from you. You have to be in communication with the ghost. Try not to be scared, if the problem doesn't go away call in a professional ghost hunter in your town

  4. i believe u

    but i believe its ur fault

    these things CAN'T harm u or anyhitng UNLESS u give them the power like by communicating w/ them the person above saying to end the thing might be onto something

    i wouldn't kno becuz i will never get into anyhting like that

    and maybe a praying wouldn't hurt


    making it become a good ghost...not happening

    but i strongly recommend getting rid of all stuff/games like this

  5. about to go all exorcist on you, but call a priest, they know what they are doing and they can cast out demon and those who haven't gone into the light.

  6. I would suggest that you would have better luck asking this question in the R&S section.

    But as far as what I would do, is to perform an exorcism, but then i am a Christian, who does not believe in ghost, but in evil spirits.

    If you are not a strong Christian, do not attempt this, because more than likely you will just make the spirit mad.

  7. Hey. I know how you feel. When you played this game did you make sure you ended it properly? When me and my friends did something similar to this, we were told that once you had finished contacting the spirit you should say "Amen" three times before you break the circle (let go of each others hands OR take your hands off the glass or object you used).

    A spirit got stuck in my friends house because we did not finish the game properly. A few weeks later we got ALL of the same people to go back to the same location, contact the same person and then we ended it properly.

    Try that. Hope it helps.

    Good luck.

  8. I wasn't going to suggest you run to church for salvation or order an exorcism.  No way.  

    You and g/f seem to have overactive imaginations and maybe too much free time on your hands.  

    Your vivid imaginations just seem to be reinforcing each other to believe these supernatural apparitions.

  9. Uh, don't do drugs?

  10. this is what happens when you do stupid things but I honestly think it's all in your head

  11. Well, I'm confused.  Is it a ghost or a demon?  The answer I give, and your very life, may depend on it!

  12. maybe you should call ghost a priest they can bless your to convincing your parents that its real idk what to do.maybe you could leave a video camera on at night because you might  be able to catch something and then show your should really go to a therapist(being serious here)so you can talk about it to someone who will believe you and get it off your chest.ghost hunters will investigate and whatever evidence they come up with they will show you plus you get to be on tv.try talking to it find out what it wants from you and if it will ever leave you alone.

    i really hope you the best.spirits can do nothing to hurt you except scare you half to death.sound like you have an intelligent haunting(means it likes to communicate with you and scare you)residual means that its like a broken record it keeps playing over and over again.try talking to other people about it and maybe they can help you with it.i wouyld suggest calling ghost hunters because since your probably still kinda young they will come ti you immediatly.also dont listen to anyone that says ghost are not real they arevery much real.

  13. Okay for one thing i know ghost are reall i think i saw one last night when i was on the computer its scares the p**p out of me seriously i seen this video on youtube aout these people talking with sprits and all that and on ghost kill a guy on it =[[ but idl if this help but i think it will be better than other answers!!=]

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