
Has Anyone Seen A Ghost?

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Or had any other supernatural experiences?




  1. yep.

  2. Yes, but I was the only one, while with another, so I assume it is an individual phenomenonal experience, I keep an open mind.

  3. Well maybe but people tell me it was just a dream, but im still unconvinced what it really was.

    Back when i was about 13 i remember waking up and seeing 2 figures at the end of my bed. They appeared to be female and wore pure white dresses and a white hood that covered their face. Their face was completely black, i couldn't make out anything but i could feel them staring at me.

    I remember that i felt terrified i couldn't move any part of my body so i was forced to stare at them. They just kept staring back. I tried to speak but couldn't.

    This went on for a while it seemed, eventually i got the strength to move my legs so i got up and ran out my door. i tripped on the way out and crawled the rest of the way out into the hallway. When i went back into my room they were gone.

    Well that's my only experience with something that i would consider a ghost. Im still not sure what really happened that night.

  4. Yes. At Ettington Park Hotel in 1997. I am not joking. The ghost of two children passed me by as I opened a door at 10.45pm approx. I was stunned, and it took me quite a while to come to terms with it. If you want more detail, please let me know and I will provide it. Never seen one before or since, but I am left wondering whether it was a recording of an event that took place a long time ago, or an actual spirit.

  5. i find your question interesting! i will be keeping a look out for other peoples answers! :)

    i have never seen one but once i had a picture taken and when i got it up on the computer there was a ghostly shape in the background... me and my friends were so scared!!

    i do believe it was a ghost and so do all my friends.

    but i think that all are friendly. its just spirits!

    have you?

  6. I once glimpsed a white figure walking along side me when I was out walking the dog.

  7. no, i've never seen one but i do believe in the presence of spirits.

  8. Supposidly ghost arnt true, but its debatable, I beleve I have seen one, was my nana, a few weeks after she passed away, seen her in my kitchen, but then again, people say its a lot of ****, I dunno, I kinda believe in them.

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