
Has Limewire been found illegal in...?

by  |  earlier

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Great Britain?




  1. Limewire is a nasty little program which acts as a platform for some of the worst types of pornography you could imagine

    Unless your names Garry Glitter or you get off watching kiddies being abused dont have it on your computer

    Its no excuse saying you only have it for the music

    Limewire supports Child pornography

    Dont support Limewire

    Which idiotic kiddie fiddler gave the thumbs down then

    Show yourself coward

    We have the internet and its up to us to police ourselves

    Limewire does nothing about the child p**n it allows access to

    Dont condone child abuse

    there plenty of other places to download your music which do not allow this sort of thing

  2. Limewire is a good program to have if, like me, you are looking for old music which is no longer in copyright and has been deleted from the recording companies catalogues. I have found some lost gems to add to my collection. As for supporting p**n, the same could be said of the whole internet. Should we then ban that as well. Some well respected newspapers have publishing arms which publish p**n. Should they also be banned. If you dont download p**n, then with the right safeguards, you are highly unlikely to come across it. As for viruses, anything downloaded from Limewire and other PtoP programs should always be put into a separate folder and scanned thoroughly before opening. I have used Limewire for some years and have never had a problem. Anything containing a virus is instantly deleted. With experience, you eventually learn what to avoid.

  3. All these download site,s are becoming illegal to use now, reason is the copywrite  laws.  The music ,game and film industry are losing millions of money, so now the law is starting to come down on people who are downloading every thing for free.  Use them at your peril, sooner or later they will no longer be available.

  4. yes but i believe its only if you yourself share data such as music but other wise im not sure

  5. Limewire itself is not illegal. Using Limewire to download and upload copyrighted files, e.g. music, IS illegal and you can face serious penalties if you are caught. My advice is that it isn't worth the risk.

  6. I'm with Ramy here

    peter g

    you havent a clue as to what your talking about

  7. It hasn't been found illegal, it has been illegal all along! Plus the music from there is really dodgy and full of viruses!

  8. I agree with Peter G, the internet in general has child p**n on it, should we all be accused of being morally wrong and using it, it seems that's what that other guy is trying to say. Unless you are using limewire for child p**n, why on earth should you be considered to be supporting it?


  9. Very good point Ramy

    Its not illegal but should be closed on moral grounds

  10. LimeWire itself isn't illegal, but if you use it to download copyrighted files for free (this includes music, pictures, videos and even documents) that you are effectively stealing from the owners and THAT is illegal.

    This is regardless of whatever country you're in; the law is the same all over. If you share things which have a licence on LimeWire than that is fine, as the owner has given you permission to download the file. Otherwise you are doing something illegal.

    Hope that clears things up.

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