
Has Russia prevented a humanitarian crisis?

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It seems the Russians should be congratulated for moving in so quickly to prevent what could have been a huge massacre when Georgia launched their assault.

A week after the event we might have been looking at 20,000 dead and many more chased from their homes - with a much bigger human crisis. Fortunately, the whole thing has been contained, and it is a manageable problem to deal with - and for people to analyse.

Well done Russia

- for a quick response to save lives

- a co-operative approach to peace talks

- and an agreement to withdraw within a matter of days.

Has there ever been such a responsible action - unlike the embroiled conflicts going on elsewhere??




  1. Considering the following:

    a.) Russia is at hand. Give them any more of an excuse than is absolutely necessary and they'll respond. Probably with a best modest restraint.

    b.) Georgia is bending over backwards to court the favour of western governments, especially the US. This lot take a pretty dim view of ethnic cleansing, if such events occured you be sure that any future ties and promises of NATO membership would be off the table.

    c.) Georgias explicit itent was to restore the power of the state within Ossetia. The Russian backed militias are potent, so such a police action required substantial military force.

    I wouldn't suggest that random acts (drunk Georgian soldiers et al) of violence wouldn't have occured, or that panic might have spread among Ossetia's russian population, with undesirable side effects. However the idea that the Georgian government had some sinister masterplan to round up the ethnic russians can only come from an interested party.  

  2. I guess you finally have something to cheer about. Been a long drought since the former "humanitarian" hero of the left (Saddam Hussein) was defeated.

    I am glad you have found a new hero.

    Russia is a humanitarian crisis, they do not prevent them.

  3. Yes they have, thanks to their swift action in stopping Georgia's ethnic cleansing campaign thousands of live's have been saved.

    And there peace talks with the EU have been admirable & something we can all learn from as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan it is easy to get drawn into a very long and drawn out  conflicts, but it has been nipped in the bud.

    If this was the US or UK we would all be praising there actions but since its Russia not a peep which is sad to see :)

  4. How naive are you , do you really think that Russia cares a tuppenny dam about the Osseans, They thought that nobody would do anything while they tried to kill of the oil supply pipe line  to the west so they had the monopoly,  instead they have lost so much credibility it will take years to get back were they were , They have let out of the bag they are still the old scum bags of old and the world will not trust them easily. As for the Oseans when they  try to steal a large chunk of somebody Else's country do not be surprised if they kick you up the **** and demand it back . the Osseans may think that they have pulled a fast one , but knowing the Georgians, there will now be a price to pay . God help them  

  5. The word Humanitarianism does not exist in the Russian vocabulary, you are seriously confused if you believe the Georgians were responsible for the unrest in Ossetia, agent provocateurs of Russian military intelligence were spreading unrest among the local Russian ethnic population for the last few years, the unrest and invasion was all planned by the Russians  

  6. Have you been asleep for the past week?

  7. yes...America invaded Iraq and prevented more of Chemical ALis attacks

  8. Why has Russia held power in parts of Georgia since the break up of the Soviet Union? Wake up. Russia still wants to control as much of the former Soviet Union as it possibly can. Why does it continue to arm rebels in parts of Georgia, and in other parts of former Soviet Republics. If Russia acted quickly to end their assault on Georgia, why are they still in the country?

    If you want to see what happens when you trust the word of Russia, go to Budapest in Hungary, and visit the house of Terror. Then tell us all about the nice Russian government.

    To the asker, Do you think that the free world should not supply arms to Georgia, and just leave the door open for the Russians to come in. I notice by the thumbs down, that you are not alone in your thoughts. I repeat, visit the house of Terror in Budapest, and see what awaits the people of Georgia if the world stands aside and does nothing.

  9. you should work for the propaganda ministry.

    Georgia assaulted Russia? hahahahhahaha

    yeah like a kitten assaults a full grown bear.

    Russia who history has the slaughter of millions of people has prevented a humanitarian crisis? hahahahahaha

    Your glossing over of facts to recite propaganda is noted.

  10. Russia Caused the Humanitarian Crisis soviet stooge. With Russian Peace keepers in South Osetia, Shelling of Georgia proper continued and when Georgia reacted Russia used it as a pretext to invade. You need to read Ralph Peters take on the situation there because he has the best grasp on whats happening, Not our media reporting from the Russian side of the line. The Russians play our media like a well tuned violin.

  11. Completely agree with you.

    Now try to convince that idiot Bush before he winds up with his greatest wish .. WW3.

  12. "Has there ever been such a responsible action - unlike the embroiled conflicts going on elsewhere?"

    Nope and sure wasn't done by the Russians this time either.

    You must been cheering when Hitler march in to Poland too.

    I can now begin to understand the claim that liberalism is a mental disease.

    If you have not notice most of the free world already is protesting against this Russian action.

  13. maybe

  14. Let's think about it..

    The civil war which started this mess more than a decade ago.. was started at RUSSIA's request.

    The Ossetians have been attacking Georgian targets for weeks before this attack took place, using weapons supplied by the RUSSIANS.. and with the full knowledge and support of the RUSSIANS.

    After Georgia fell into their traps, the RUSSIANS sent thousands of troops who just "happend to be sitting at the border" flooding into Georgia.   Where they proceeded to rape, murder and loot everything in sight.

    Yes, Well done Russia..

    You've show that you're no better than n**i Germany.. but then most of us have known that all along.

  15. Russia's timely action certainly prevented an ethnic cleansing operation - and it may have taught the Georgian people not to believe the lies told to them by their US financed puppet regime.

    The next stage of the Pentagon's plan to encircle Russia with missile bases may prove a little difficult to complete!

  16. Well done Russia, time they dropped a nuke on the terrorist nation America

    EDIT: read these links

  17. Yes indeed, that's correct.

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