
Has The Dark Knight changed you?

by Guest60650  |  earlier

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I know it's just a movie, but when I saw it, it turned out to be something different for me. It basically changed me. I feel dark, and confused. I know it's just not me, cause the movie also effected the actors in different ways. Do you feel that The Dark Knight has changed the way you feel?




  1. Can't say that it changed me but it raises quite a few questions about morality and ethics. The Joker here is not simply just a man who laughs

  2. Naah... i feel amazed by the hilarious stuff!

    Actually yeah cuz' now i talk black American style like 50 cent....

  3. Whoa.

    you know...your kind of a weird way.

    i dunno.

    i cant really explain it.

    if the joker wasnt in the movie, if heath didnt do such a great job, i dont think i would have felt any different.

    i think i kind of do feel a little "darker"?

    i always seem to have a little mysterious smile on my face now...kind of like the joker...

    hm. =/



    but i agree with you.

  4. Wow you make it sound so good! I want to see the movie so badly but my little brother hates movies meaning I can't see it because if he doesn't wanna, nobody can!! GGRRAHHH he makes me so mad!!  

  5. I must admit that the Joker's views on society... in that the only way to live in a society is w/ out rules makes me wonder if what he says doesn't have some logic to it. Look at what goes on in the world today.

    It does make you think...but to act on it is a different question.  

  6. Not the way you are saying, but the dark knight changed my view on comics. I have started to read them! THANK YOU BATMAN!

  7. no not really to me or i just dont know if it did change me or not so yeah

  8. wow! i thought i was the only one who felt that way. aside from coming out of the theatre a die hard Batman fan, I came out thinking just a little bit differently. I dont think I came out of it, 'dark', but i was feeling a little bit funny. It got me thinking about what I stand for, how I feel about different aspects of my life. I think it mostly got me thinking about the face that represents us. And what exactly it is that protects us. I'm with you, I definetly came out of that theater confused. I wouldn't call it paranoid, but I did feel like when I talked to people after that, that I wasnt totaly into the conversation. I was absent minedly letting my mouth talk while my mind was thinkin about what that person was thinking....its a little hard to explain, but I totaly agree with you.

  9. It did for me... See before I was way too serious. Now I can put a smile on my face.

  10. No, the Dark Knight just changed my perception of the Joker and Two-Face, but nothing else.  The Watchmen is what really changed me; it got me redefining my concepts of heroism, psychology, and the meaning to life itself.

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