
Has any noticed since prayer has..?

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has anyone noticed since prayer has been taken out of school, the problems in schools have been getting worse..




  1. yes, but its not just since than, that was just a contributing factor.

  2. You're kidding right?   Do you really think prayer in school is going to make all our children moral and loving? That's what parents are for.  It starts in the home.

  3. Oh, I thought things had gotten worse around the time mothers started having careers instead of being mothers.

  4. It isn't the fact that pryer was taken out of school but more the fact that the government wants to run everything including how we choose to raise our children.  When I was in school  we had prayer and said the Pledge every morning but more than that we knew if we got out of line we would get sent to the principle and a paddeling, which in return meant another one when you got home at the end of the day.  Now the parents arent allowed to punish their kids without someone saying it is abuse and the schools can't do anything except call the parents.  Kids know to some extent they have more rights than what the adults have because they can yell abuse at any second and the parent is guilty until proven innocent.

  5. actually not.  in most places that happened a really long time ago.  there was no prayer in school when i was a student in the 70s and i don't remember any big problems.

    i've noticed that since the invention of heelies things seem to have gotten worse.

    oh, wait.  that's not a causal relationship, either.

    if you want your kids to pray, by all means let them pray at home (or pray silently at school).  most kids are not praying during every second of their waking hours.  i'm not sure how forcing everyone to pray between 9 am and 3 pm (regardless of their beliefs) would be of any help in raising test scores or funding underfunded schools.

  6. The problem  has nothing to do with prayer or god it has to do with sorry *** parents who would rather give in to there childrens BS instead of a good kick in the ***!!

  7. oh yes i have noticed that.  and i agree.  at the school where my kids go and that i teach at it is still ok to pray.  we dont have a big prayer over the intercom but each teacher has the right to let their class pray before lunch and breakfast.  and i am pleased to say that most of the teachers so this.

    and Never mind, i have a career and i am a mother of three.  my children are well behaved and they all get good grades.  so it is not that mothers have careers.

  8. I don't remember ever praying in school, and I don't think the problems in school have anything to do with school, they have to do with the crappy parenting and high divorce rates and chaotic lives the kids get at home, no bed times, poor diets, and lack of discipline. top it off with no schools are allowed to paddle any more and of course the children are out of control.

    I grew up in a home where bed time was 8:30, you were responsible for your own actionsyou didn't participate in 4 diffrent activities, no soccer, cello, or dance, youth groups and such, you did your home work and helped with house work. Kids today are over indulged period.

  9. I imagine it has. However, we are very lucky that our son has always attended Catholic schools!

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