
Has any one refused baby vaccines?

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i have read really bad things about them and am really nervous.




  1. I was hesitant for a while after reading about the horror stories but me and my husband discussed the pros and cons and decided to still give our son his shots. But if you decide not to, you are going to get alot of negativity from people, especially doctors who will try to bully you into giving your child them. It is also a lie that your child can't enter into school without them, they try to make you believe this. Just read as much as you can, and stand your ground with your decision!

  2. I had a really hard time with this as well. It's not so cut and dry like everyone is saying.

    I talked to my pediatrician and asked which were most important, which weren't. I got an alternative vaccine schedule now, and I'm definitely more comfortable with it. It's in your hands though, I'm not trying to sway you either way, it's extremely hard to make that choice.

    Also, your child does not HAVE to be vaccinated to enter public schools, there are exemptions.

  3. I delay and selectively vaccinate my kids. There are a lot of "bad" things in them, but ultimately it's up to you to decide. I suggest picking up either Dr. Stephanie Cave's book or Dr. Sears Vaccine Book. Both are excellent in exploring your options.

    And congratulations for researching and educating yourself! The world needs more educated parents. :)

  4. We selectively vaccinate our children and on a modified schedule. Our baby has not been vaccinated for HepB and won't be as a child, we divide the DPT into its separate components (your doctor will have to order the vaccines, it's not usual), we aren't vaxing for chicken pox or pneumonia and no vaccines were administered before our baby's first birthday.

    The important thing is to study very carefully and make an informed choice. Don't go simply by "what you're told" (either way) or by fear (either way) but get all the knowledge you can and make your decisions based on sound, rational thought.

  5. Things such as Polio must be taken within increments of 3 when the child is a baby, because this disease is coming back. Yes, with all vaccines there is a risk of mercury poisoning as well as Autism, but my mother had me vaccinated as a baby at the latest times, thus there was less of a risk. And in order to enter the public school system or have a state job or anything people have to be vaccinated. Thus, you kind of just have to. Just make sure you put it off as late as possible.

    The older the child is, the less likely the sensitivity to things such as vaccines and immediate effects of mercury.

  6. While there maybe risks associated with vaccines, there are even greater risks for not getting them.  Do the right thing and get your baby its shots.  

  7. My daughter is 6months old and her father and I have decided not to have her vaccinatd. We feel that the risks greatly outweigh the benefits. Sure it is scary to think that there is a possibility that she may get one of the diseases they vaccinate against but at least that is natural. If something were to happen to her because of all of the things they put into the vaccines then it would be my fault for allowing them to inject formaldyhide, animal tissue, and all of the other harmful things into her helpless little body. Do plenty of research and decide for yourself what is best for your child.

  8. You're gonna be a LOT more nervous if your baby comes down with one of the viruses because you chose not to vaccinate!

    If your baby gets some horrible disease that YOU could have vaccinated against, you're going to feel awful ..

    You owe it to your baby to take ever precaution possible and vaccinate them against all those horrible diseases.

  9. My girlfriend chose not to have her kids vaccinated. They get no ear infections, sore throats, etc. I don't know if this is the norm, but who knows.

  10. You SHOULD be nervous.  Those things are dangerous.  I used to think like all the other people here.  "You'll be sorry if you don't vaccinate!"  The shoe's on the other foot now.  My third baby had two adverse reactions and I finally started paying attention to what all those "crazies" were saying about the dangers of vaccines.  

    So far I've refused my youngest child's vaccines from the 6 month shots on (he's 22 months old) and I'm having another baby in October who will not be vaccinated at all.   I've gotten grief from their doctor who thinks I'm an idiot, but I don't really care.  My children's health is more important than my self esteem.

  11. My daughter is only 3 months old but has had all of her neeede vaccines, mostly because we had to, being in the military and all.  But if we got to choose, we would still vaccinate her.  We were both vaccinated as children and are fine, and also we want to travel and the exposes her to new diseases.  Good Luck

  12. Yes, they may give your baby a fever and cry a lot for a couple of days but it's worth it. Your right to be nervous but with a little research on the matter, you will see the benefits outweigh the risks.

  13. I did it!  No questions asked!  We have great healthcare here and I know that our doctor is doing it for the baby, not to make money!  I think it is important because if my child ever got any of those diseases his lofe would suck and I would blame myself, I just got them done and now I done have to worry about those diseases and viruses.  Next shots for him are on monday!

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