
Has anybody ever gotten this pierced?

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I'm going tomorrow to get my Tagrus pierced. I've heard it hurts but then some say it doesn't. Any advice would be great thanks




  1. I have had mine done for years now. I also had my upper ear pierced. The tagrus hurts way less than any of my other piercings. It is almost like you don't even feel it. The worst part is not being able to sleep on that side while it heals. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your piercing ;)

  2. i've had mine pierced since i was 14 (i'm 22 now). i thought it would hurt, but i didn't think it hurt at all when they did it. it just felt like pressure and there was just a tiny drop of blood. mine healed rather quickly also and has never caused me any problems. good luck!

  3. seem like it will hurt because its not soft but thick.  

  4. what is that? I have a few piercings but what the? lol

    no, is that the space between your nostrils?

  5. This is a tagrus piercing:

  6. i just got mine pierced 2 weeks ago, i mean it doesnt hurt too bad depending on your tolerance for pain, but i got it along when i got three other piercings done. that did hurt the most though lol. out of my nose tongue belly button and that,  

  7. I  thought about it, but it looks too painful.

    I got my rook, and it didn't hurt ME that bad. It's fairly easy.

  8. oww... i looks like it might hurt but idk...

  9. I want it piercing, could you please email me your experience?  

  10. i dont know but you are stupid for doing that

  11. Ohhh I know what you're talking about! I don't have mine done but this girl in my chemistry class did. It was probably nothing to her since she's gone through child birth ;]

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