
Has anybody out there undergone homeopathy?

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If so, did you find it useful? And if you don't mind sharing, what did you have a homeopathic dr. treat you for? Thanks.




  1. Yes and yes. An automimmune disorder that started in my teens escalated so that I became bedridden as a young adult.  My doctor was kind, yet could only validate my condition with blood tests, then recommend rest and eating well (which I did anyway). Although I felt supported by each practitioner, no other alternative or conventional modality could touch the underlying cause throughout the years (including herbology, acupuncture, various methods of massage, Reiki, psychology, and lots more). Homeopathy not only got me out of bed, I became fully functional within months. After a childhood of heavy conventional meds, I've not had anything but occasional homeopathic remedies for decades. That's why I trained as a homeopath myself.

    Speaking from the other side, every homeopathic client is a success story.

  2. I have...and I cure all kinds of ailments with homeopathy.

    For instance, for sleeping, anxiety, depression, been practicing it for years now and haven't had any depression episodes since 1997!

    Also, I don't relay on over the counter prescription or any pharmacy. With a proper diet, exercise and supplements/vitamins.

  3. Yes and I highly recommend it as a form of healing. I had problems with headaches and rashes that the doctor just kept giving me one pill after another to try and figure it out. Went to a naturaopathic doctor who did some testing and found I was allergic to corn syrup and starch ( which was in my laundry detergent) and caused the rashed and headches, as soon as I started the homepathics and go away from the corn products all the rashes and headaces went away. If by accident i take something with corn in it I still take my homeopathic remedies to this day and it does work better and faster than advil or any of those. As for the skin, nothing helped except the homeopathics. hope thsi helps

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