
Has anyone any household tips?

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Has anyone any household tips?




  1. clean your bathroom daily

  2. If you get ink on fabric, you can use hair spray to remove it. Do a quick check on an out of the way area of the fabric though to make sure the hairspray wont affect the color.

    An open box of bicarbonate of soda in your refrigerator will help keep away odors from transferring from one food to another.

    Never reuse plastic bags if they have contained raw meat in any form. You can not wash them well enough to remove the bacteria that can be transferred from raw meat.

    For really bad rust stains in a bathtub or sink, you can get them off by applying toilet bowl cleaner to them. This can be damaging to the tub surface, but I guess you have to take your choice if other products intended for that purpose are ineffective.

    If you are using a spray wax such as Pledge to dust furniture, DO NOT use it on your TV screen or other electronics. It will tend to leave a film that will only cause problems later. There are special dusting substances that can safely be used on these electronics.

    Try adding an extra can of water to frozen concentrated orange juice. It will make the product go farther and will reduce the strength so the juice is more tasty rather than strong.

    If you use generic egg noodles or macaroni, it has a higher starch content so will tend to get mushy if you cook it as long as the package directs. As soon as it gets so it is no longer crunchy, remove it from the heat and let it stand in the hot water for a few more minutes before serving. Although not as tender as the "good stuff", it will be better if not overcooked.

  3. get a maid!! lol jk

  4. Use a solution of soda Crystals to keep the drains smelling nice. I put a jugful down all my sinks and toilet once a week,.

    Soda Crystals are a great cleaner all over the home. If you have stains in clothes like grease, blood, grass etc soaking in a solution of Soda Crystals gets them out.

    I also put a small scoop of them in the drawer of the washing machine along with the soap powder.

    They can be bought in any supermarket for under a £1 a packet.

  5. The best tip I can offer is get a well paid job and hire a cleaner or marry a very rich man.  I failed on both of these!

  6. Get a cleaner!

  7. Three cleaning products that will help you keep it clean and green.  Baking soda, white distilled vinegar, and borax.  Between them you can clean soap scum out of the tub and shower, clean your stainless steel sinks, clear a clogged drain, mop your floors, freshen and soften laundry, remove stains from fabrics, brighten and freshen laundry, clean windows, freshen carpets, and clean and freshen your fridge.  This is just the beginning of what those 3 products will do for you.  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  8. Dry washed windows with newspaper for a streak-free finish. Edit: Mint, You say? Nice one.

  9. Use bread soda in water when cleaning your fridge, it will not leave any smell and will clean it thoroughly.  Hang mint in your windows to deter flies.

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