
Has anyone commited scuiside over DnD

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  1. There was one guy, who had trouble separating fantasy and reality.  His story was sort of made into the TV movie "Mazes and Monsters", and from that people got the idea that fantasy role-playing games were dangerous.

    James Dallas Egbert III disappeared from Michigan State Univ. in 1979. He was incorrectly alleged to have disappeared into the tunnels under the school while playing a live-action version of a role-playing game.

    However, he was also struggling with drug addiction, undeclared homosexuality and had trouble making friends on campus.  He had tried to commit suicide several times - but the press only focused on his connection to D&D.

    For more info, look up the urban myth called "Steam Tunnel Incident" on Wikipedia.

  2. if someone had committed suicide they wouldn't exactly be able to say would they?? jeez

  3. Generally when people commit suicide it is not over a game.  Violent games sometimes may contribute to suicidal thoughts, but people who are suicidal have many more influencing factors than a game.  There are things in their lives that are contributing to the suidical ideation, they may be clinically depressed or otherwise mentally ill, they may be physically ill themselves, they may be confused about personal issues in their lives, they may feel marginalized, etc.  The cause of suicide is never as simple as just a game.

  4. Probably the same number that committed suicide over their favorite team losing.

    Probably the same number that became g*y because they were attracted to Bugs Bunny in drag.

  5. There has been no reputable evidence of it - a 'classic' Chick anti-D&D cartoon from the 70's and the TV movie Mazes and Monsters are probably the ultimate sources for most of the rumored "D&D Teen Kills Self" rumors that crop up from time to time.

  6. What kind of stupid question is this? google it or something.

  7. do you mean over the game?

    wow, if someone did that, that dude must have been pretty mad that his character was killed...

    that's pretty bad for someone to kill themselves because of something that happened in Dungeons and Dragons

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