
Has anyone drank Soymilk before?

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How did it taste? better or worse than cows milk?




  1. I would say it's an acquired taste if you're not  used to it. It tends to taste a little like it's spoiled even though it's not- it just has that sweet, slightly rotten tang to it. It's not BAD necessarily, just nothing like cow's milk. I don't drink it straight but I will have it on cereal sometimes. That's pretty much the only thing I use it for.

  2. soymilk is a great alternative to regular milk. I like light silk soymilk. It has few calories and not many carbs. I even drink it alone, because it tastes great.

  3. It tastes chalky and different then cows milk, not really better or worse, but if you drink the flavored kinds your not getting the "low carb" effect that everyone wants from soy milk because they are full of sugar

  4. I don't like regular soymilk, but the vanilla kind is pretty good.  

  5. I've tried Vanilla Soy milk.  It was really good.  Sweeter then normal milk

  6. I have and it is an acquired taste. I expires sooner, because there are no preservatives , like in regular milk. It was nice tasting when I tried it, people recommend it for lactose intolerant people.  

  7. i love whole milk. when i first tried soy milk, i didnt like it. but i kept drinking it, tried vanilla, chocolate, used plain or vanilla in cereal and i ended up loving it and hating cow milk lol. now i like both cow and soy milk equally. vanilla soy milk is so creamy and delicious :)

  8. Yes, the chocolate Silk tastes so creamy and yummy.

    I may actually like it more than regular chocolate milk:)

  9. I tried it and i hate it. I never drink milk

  10. It tastes a little odd at first, but once you get used to it, it's not so bad.  There are different brands and flavors, so don't rule it out after just one try.  For plain, I like 8th Continent.  For chocolate flavor I like Silk brand.

  11. vanilla soy milk tastes good

  12. soy milk taste great! you can try the different flavors like chocolate, vanilla, etc...  

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