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it difficult to find serious questions to answer lately?

With the litany of "Who would win...?", "Which style is better/worse/more effective in a street fight/against multiple attackers/against a grizzly bear?", "Did Chuck Norris really do this to Bruce Lee (or vice versa)?", "How do I become a Ninja(samurai/karate expert/etc.)?" type questions, I think it is time Yahoo! creat subsections in the Martial Arts Forum. Probably won't stop the flow of these questions, but at LEAST it would give those of us who are looking for serious exchange to more easily report questions as being miscategorized. Maybe a section for martial arts comparisons, one for Chuck Norris/Bruce Lee facts and myths, and MOST DEFINTELY a separate category for all things MMA. I for one would welcome such a change. Anyone else?




  1. Quite honestly the stupid questions do not bother me half as bad as all of the inaccurate answers. i have seen that karate came from the samurai arts as one example. People are answering questions they have no business answering, or making staements that are totally false, and any basic search will show that they are wrong.

    Then there is the ever popular "It is gospel because Bruce Lee said so". One of the most often repeated things is kata is useless because Bruce Lee said so. Bruce Lee only trained in any style that had forms for 4 years roughly, which is barely enough time to scratch the surface of what it contains, yet people like ksnake think it is the gospel.

    I think there should be a standard knowledge test based on facts, not opinions, before you should be allowed to answer questions in the Martial Arts section, because I am sure some of the what style should I take questions are serious, and for a new person it's hard to seperate the BS from fact.

    And just so you know I decided political correctness is overrated, so I will continue to call morons morons, and trolls trolls.

  2. i really wish they would, many of the questions people ask get extremely annoying, especially the (insert some stupid animal, person, object) vs (insert another stupid animal, person, object) questions. I do think that sometimes a good laugh is okay, but a lot of the trolls just don't know when to stop. If Martial arts was split into sections such as UFC, training and exercises, whatever vs whatever, and styles and philosophy's.

  3. FO SHO! =P

    Yeah that would be great easier for all of us. But i go to those just for fun every now and then.

    I completely agree with you on this one =]

    or maybe a "Funny questions" section

  4. I agree!!!

    Sub sections for various styles and including a FAQ section for novices and those in general who just want to rant/enquire re: repeated questions :)***

  5. Yes it does get pretty lame

  6. I agree completely and lets go a step further and say if you can't use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation you shouldn't be allowed to ask a question.

  7. Lol,.yes I have and you know what, I find myself answering the not so serious questions for fun. Maybe it's because anyone who is anyone has a teacher to ask, I don't know, however questions are far and few in between around here.

    Oh yes and "SUpEr KaRAtE" Rocks!  Lol,..!

    Can't we all just get along,..*snickering*

    I know I try to answer questions as knowledgeable as I can, alot of times I must investigate so I wind up learning.  Quite frankly, if you had sectioned off the different styles and rankings as suggested I would not know and appreciate half the things I have already learned from following all of you around!

    Thank goodness for forums such as this where you can "challenge" a persons question or advice. I have seen many here speak up and say , "you know I disagree with that statement",..then another person may add a, "yes however,..", you know?

    P.S. This is Martial Arts, the section for the grammar n**i's  is down the hall, last door on the left!

    Lol, MaYbe for the MMA,...

    and all things considered I believe I just sold myself on a fantasy section!

    Oh, common you know you would join.  :)

    Haha can't decide.  That is because you too have a  

    "SUpEr KaRAtE SOuL"


  8. Yes, I agree with you and the statement that Katana made.

  9. YES. Its freakin annoying. People asking the same questions OVER and OVER. There should be a fantasy section, beginners, MMA, general, striking, and grappling. How's that?

    EDIT- I pretty much agree with Katana. Stupid answers bug me as well. ESPECIALLY when the famous "Which martial art is the best" question. When people actually answer with an art. Its understandable if your informing them of an art you like, but to say, "Oh Muay Thai is the best martial art, mix that with BJJ and you'll be unstoppable" That is just an ignorant biased opinion.

    *off topic* as much as I like it when people refer to me as "that guy" or THAT GUY, i think i'll change my name =] For the sake of quotations =P

  10. I just ignore what I perceive as  irrelevant.

  11. I wish they would start a MMA section.

  12. I agree with what you are saying. I also like the comments Katana made.  I wish Y/A would subdivide the MA category, but it would not solve the question.  The numbnuts that post would still ask the same questions over and over in our section. I think that at least 50% of the posters do it just to be annoying. Since there is no way to stop them it would simply go on.  Things might get a little better. Maybe some of the mma guys would do their own thing.  Just my thoughts.

  13. You know I agree, been wanting something like this for a long time but I doubt they do it.

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