
Has anyone else wondered about this?

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I remember a few years ago a woman had problems proving her kids were her biological kids (she was trying to get welfare.) When her last child was born, the child did not register as her according to DNA, but people in the delivery room verified the child was hers. Further testing proved that she had 2 DNA's and doctors assume she must have been a twin that absorbed the other twin, therefore giving 2 DNA's.

My question is, and I hope this does not offend anyone, but could this be the case with g**s/lesbians. For example there are those with both, or partial both male and female parts. Could they actually be a twin that absorbed an opposite s*x twin?




  1. interesting...

    that could be a possibility...

  2. wow...thats very interesting...

  3. I am pretty sure you just tried to compare g*y people to hermaphrodites... I would say that no, g*y people do not have both male and female parts first of all. Now onto the second part. You said that g*y people might have been a twin that absorbed itself. I am pretty sure that this very very rare conditions happens to any type of person. So yes there might be one or two g*y people out there with this condition, but as to saying that all g*y people are a twin-absorbee, no. g*y people are the way they are because that is what they fancy. It is like saying a straight person is a twin-absorbee because he likes only brunettes. No, it is because that is to what he is naturally and physically attracted. On the third part, you compare a hermaphrodite to a twin-absorbee. I am pretty sure that these are not related. When twins absorb eachother they do it in early pregnancy, and gonads don't form till later in pregnancy. Now is there a chance it impacts, I don't know, but I doubt. Also, doesn't your info answer itself? You said a pregnant woman had kids. I am pretty sure if she was a L*****n she wouldn't have had kids (however, some do don't get me wrong). Also, I am pretty sure that the partner would have noticed if she was a hermaphrodite.

    Altogether, I am not offended, but your assumption was mildly rude due to lack of education, which you have now received via me. De rien.  

  4. It sounds like your asking the question honestly, so I'll answer politely.

    I think that you are viewing the situation from a biased opinion. LGBT people are not abnormalities. The possibility that g**s and lesbians absorbed an opposite s*x twin would become more probable only if straight people were proved to have absorbed a same s*x twin. I am unlike alot of LGBT people...I believe that everyone begins to make decisions early in life. We start off as blank slates and build up from there. To do that we must make some basic of these is our gender/sexual identity. The fact that there is more than one option is obvious...the probability of each option happening in a control group is the thing we do not understand.

    Finally, that child that you are speaking of is a VERY rare phenomenon called chimera-ism. The two twins, instead of separating before growing, simply develop on each side. The same way that wrapping a foot causes it to stop growing longer, wider, etc. a chimera didn't have room or even time to fully separate. I recall a man in London that actually had a line running down his body which divided his body into to bloodlines. One side had Italian features, light brown skin and body hair while the other side had British features, white skin, and no body hair.  

  5. Whoa.  I love questions like this!

    I actually went around telling people that I absorbed my twin (I had a theory - I'm left handed and there are lots of lefty twins and lots of undiscovered absorbed twins... You get it).  Maybe that made me g*y too!  That's more fuel for my "I'm a twin absorber" theory!

    I'm not sure if you can absorb a fraternal twin though, which obviously the twin would have to be fraternal to be the opposite s*x.  Holdon, I'll look it up....


    Ohh, more evidence that I absorbed (getting distracted I know): "However, older mothers tend to experience vanishing twin losses more frequently. �Spontaneous fraternal twins are more common in older moms because they ovulate more than one egg more often."

    My mom was 35 when she had me.  That's kinda old right?  Sorry, back to the subject...

    OK:  Looks like you can absorb a frat twin:

    "Genetic tests revealed that the patient was a chimera�a physical blend of fraternal twin sisters�and her ovaries produced eggs belonging to both twins, thus she could give birth to three sons who were genetic half-brothers; one of them sharing DNA with his mother and two sons sharing DNA with their vanished �aunt.�"

    Whoa.  I just love learning about twins.  It's fascinating.

    Your theory is going to keep me awake tonight thinking....

    Edit:  And it's not rare, either, for those of you who think it is:

    "Vanishing Twin Syndrome is much too common to be considered phenomenal, and it occurs for too many reasons to be considered any kind of syndrome."

  6. wow that's really something to think about! i've never thought about this but i do see where your theory is coming from and i like how far out there it is. youre a free thinker and i like that. dont worry about the few others that didnt get what you were trying to say, some just are ignorant.

  7. I was watching this on tv along time ago........back in the day when a child was born with both sets of anatomy, that the doctors would make the decision to make that child a girl or boy without the parents' input.  I have always wondered what effect that might have on a child's sexuality.  I don't have any statistics or anything, just saw that on tv a while back.

    I guess it could also be an absorbed twin, will we ever know????

    Edit:  Did anyone else find Animal Nutter to be a rambling fool trying to make everyone else sound like the fool?

  8. Sounds like she was possibly gender mosaic:

    A person that has 2 different DNA's, one XX and one XY, in their body.  As far as I know gender mosaic has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

  9. I don't know....but I, for one, was supposed to have a twin! Eek. I know it never developed or whatever...but I don't think I absorbed it? lol. Who knows? Very interesting.

  10. The thing is, that condition is extremely rare, and usually has outside signs, like the person having skin that is differently colored in parts. And I don't think the condition affects the mind in most cases. The DNA of the twin is a minority in the person, so it wouldn't be like the person had the personality of their absorbed sibling infesting the place in their mind controlling sexuality and making them be attracted to the same s*x. Besides, humans aren't the only animals that have homosexual individuals. Other species of primates as well as other mammals, like dogs, are the same way. It's part of nature.

  11. wow what do you think about at night

  12. no

    10% of the human population is g*y.

    That is almost a billion people!

    It would be imposible for such a huge gigantic dna abnormality to go unoticed!

    It is just impossible. It would completley destroy science as we know it.

  13. interesting theory. don't forget all the hormonal imbalances too, they are far more common.

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