
Has anyone encountered paranormal experience?

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or a spooky encounter of any kind, please explain.




  1. I was visiting with my family when I was around 9 years old.  Sleeping in bed in the attic room, I started hearing a pinging on the metal frame of the bed.  It was a consistent ping.  I got scared.  I stopped breathing, I stopped everything.... it would not stop.

    Then the bed shook once.  I was even more afraid, but stayed put.  Then someone put their hand on my shoulder and shook me.  I did not see anyone there.  The bed was against the wall, and my back was facing the wall, so I know no one was behind me.  

    Then whoever it was bent down and kissed me lightly on the cheek, and it was over.

    I asked the next morning to my mother and grandmother.

    Aparently the man who built the house had a daughter who died in that room.  She was about my age when she died.  They surmised he came to say goodnight.

    AND to this day I can predict things.  I think them and someone says them.  I'm even getting good at guessing the million dollar case on Deal or No Deal.  Wish I could get on THAT show.  <smile>

  2. When I lived in one of my houses, things would move on the end table, also heard foot steps at night.  These were demons that needed to be cast out of the house.  At another house my children would see things, this house had prayer also and it all stopped.

  3. I used to be scared by situations, movies, etc. that were purposefully designed to make me scared.  I have also been spooked when with other people reacted in panick.  Every time I've been spooked by myself it's been due to an acute fear of the unknown.  This I think is what keeps so many people interested in the paranormal--they are drawn to that which they don't know or don't understand and do their best to make sense of it.  Unfortunately so many people rely on magical, mystical thinking to make sense of the world rather than just take it in its natural form.

  4. Of a sort, yes, generally involving sports.  I have occasionally known EXACTLY where a pitch was going to be thrown, but never when it was going to be something I could hit.  I remember once knowing that the next pitch was going to hit where my feet were and another time knowing that a slow ground ball was going to be thrown by the catcher and that sticking my left hand out just so and at just this time would deflect it without looking back to even see the catcher pick it up.

    I also have an acquaintance who is a psychic.  She is not perfect but does come up with things she could not know as facts closely enough to be scary.

  5. yes we went to a freinds house and then we leave and then we come back ann h**r later and the shutters are shut EXPLAIN THAT its creepy lol

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