
Has anyone ever died at,?

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King Dimmion In Virginia?

Or Busch Gardens In Virginia?

Like because of a ride or something.




  1. The only people that have died at Busch Gardes Virginia were

    1. a man was struck by lightening when leaving the park in the parking lot.

    and 2. a worker that wasn't supossed to be on the tracks of Big Bad Wolf got hit by an oncoming car.

    But no one has ever died there because of a ride breaking or anything.

  2. not sure... maybe some people like flew off lol

    Sorry no help

    lol im a dare devil ill ride anything!

  3. Shockwave is a stand-up roller coaster at Kings Dominion. It is the oldest currently operating stand-up roller coaster in the United States.

    On August 23, 1999, a 20-year-old rider failed to follow safety instructions on Shockwave. He deliberately squeezed his body outside the restraints, and as a result flew from the train's final turn while it was running at 40mph. This is the only fatality to date on the coaster.[1]

    Less than two weeks after Fan's death, a 13-year-old boy felt he was not properly fastened into his restraints, and intentionally slipped out of them as the train was ascending the lift hill. He jumped onto the catwalk and escaped serious injury.[2]

    Today, the coaster rarely has a wait in line and due to its roughness, is one of the less popular attractions at Kings Dominion. However, it remains a mainstay at the park.

    Check these out..

  4. like quantumrift said, yes, but on most rides theres a bar that locks you in that should be up a bit so u can breathe but low enough so you cant fall out, so even with this bar if you take off your seatbelt then you should be safe. You shouldnt have to worry though, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning or getting killed on the way to the park, you rarely ever see report on the news about someone getting killled on an amusment park ride.

  5. I did.

  6. Sure.

  7. Sure thing

  8. I don't know about Kings Dimmion or Busch Gardens. But I know it has happened in Cincinnati at King's Island. There were two separate deaths there in one day. I girl who had been drinking somehow slipped thru the safety bars on one of the rides and fell to her death. Then later that day someone put their feet into a pond by the beer gardens and was electrocuted. I was there with my family that day. Believe it or not we had no clue that anything had happened until we heard it on the news after we got home.

  9. everyone dies, everywhere and  everyday

  10. of course

  11. Nothing has happend tht was the rides falt @ those places

  12. Go to

    This website has excellent and current information on parks around the world. It has accident statistics, ride/restaurant/hotel descriptions and on down the line.

    Very informative. You can also try


  13. yea

  14. Yes, people can die at amusement parks and do. Sometimes it is due to an out-and-out hardware or equipment (ride) malfunction or safety feature failure (or lack there of) but in a LOT of instances, a person can die from an undiagnosed medical problem, like what happened to the kid that died on the Disney "Rock 'n Roller Coaster" or the Space Adventure thing. Undiagnosed cardiac problems can quickly cause death due to the extreme G forces sustained in a ride.

    However they are safe, and you actually have a greater chance of being  injured or killed DRIVING to the amusment park than on the rides themselves.

  15. i remember someone died at oakwood on the hydro

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