
Has anyone ever had Postpartum OCD?

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Has anyone else ever had Postpartum OCD? I have these horrible thoughts about being afraid that I'm going to hurt my baby. It is not an urge to hurt him. I am just terrified that I will develop postpartum psycosis or something and snap and throw him or something. These thoughts are extremely scary and give me horrible anxiety. I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in the same boat?




  1. Oh man I wad the same way. Always thinking of the way my baby could get hurt, or I cuold hurt her (on accident). So I asked my doctor, he suggested I write down everything I am feeling, and tell them to my husband so that a more rational person could tell me how truly silly they were. But one more tip.. It's hard to get a full nights sleep when you have a baby, so try having some one stay over with you (or your partner) and let  them take over the baby watching for the night. You may gets some needed sleep knowing someone is up watching your baby for you. I hope everything gets better. Just remember millions of moms go through this. If you feel you need more help, it is always best to talk to your doctor!

  2. I'm wondering if maybe you mean't postpartum depression (PPD) instead of OCD. I suffered from PPD adn still do struggle with it some days and my son is almost 5. You should seriously consult your doctor about this. I woke up the 2nd day I had my son home crying uncontrolably because he was already 4 days old and he was growing up to fast, not to mention the fact that I too had these thoughts. They were like "omg, what if I drop him" "what if he gets kidnapped", etc. There were thoughts that were worse a more graphic, but things like this are all related to PPD. You seriously need to talk to your OB/GYN sothat they can get you some medication to help get you straightened out. God be with you, it's a hard thing to accept.  

  3. I know how you feel. I found out I had postpartum depression after I had my third child and the way you explained it is just about exactly the same thing that I went through. I still sometimes get that same feeling and it has been 2 1/2 years. I have anxiety and panic attacks though. My doc gave me klonopin for panic attacks and whenever I would feel that way I would take a half a pill and it would go away. But I didn't like having to take pills because Klonopin is highly addictive. So I started taking Vitamin B12 microlozenges 2500 mcg. It melts under your tongue and starts working pretty quickly. It just relaxes you a little, but not to where you fall asleep or anything. It just gives you an over all relaxed at ease feeling. And B12 is great for you. I am now not on any pills and I just take one of those every night before I go to bed, and my anxiety has gone down greatly. You can buy them at Walmart. So good luck and it will get better but it is just really scary at first. I was afraid to be left alone with my children for a while, and I have 3 of them, but the sooner I realized it was anxiety and nothing was going to happen I learned to cope with it.  

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