
Has anyone ever puked in class?

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I was sitting in class feeling really sick and was thinking how embarassing it would be if I threw up in the middle of the lecture. Anyone else had this happen?




  1. Not really at a time when it would be too embarrassing, like high school or college.

    But when I was a 1st grader I threw up while my teacher was reading the class a book on the second day of school.  I hit myself and the floor; but two days later a little girl vomited all over three other kids, two of which proceeded to cry >_<.

  2. Yeah, I was sitting in study hall and ran over to the trash can so I could spare the gross factor. I guess I was so quiet, so no one even noticed .. haha, which was sweet.

  3. yes I hd puked. I was sick . what is the problem ?

  4. This has happened to me twice in class and twice in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. One of times in the classroom, I puked all over my desk. The other time I was leaning over the teachers desk and puked all over her desk, and of course some rolled over onto her lap. The times in the hallway I was running to the bathroom. The first time the hallway was empty, I puked and the bell rang and everyone came out of their classes and was like wtf is that! haha. I seemed to always puke at school back then.

  5. I have a really weird illness that I get cluster headaches and it makes me so sick.

    Me and my best friend had studied for our bio final for two days and nights. So I got like absolutely ZERO sleep. I had a huge headache and my stomach started to hurt, it felt like ice picks were stabbing my eyes then someone gave me a piece of black licorice. :P

    Since we're not allowed to leave the room for ANYTHING or we'll have to take it again, I grabbed the trash can and puked up every single thing I think I've ever eaten.

    My friend Jaymi just kept cracking up and telling me to leave the room because our other friend Tawny is such a sympathetic puker.

    But I ended up getting a 97! :)

  6. hha ya i have a funny story

    so my this girl felt realy sick in my french class, and she was like teacher i need to go to the bathroom, can i go, and the teacher was liek no.

    so after 5 minutes the girl didnt look so good and was liek Teacher?

    the teacher yelled what? she went right in front of the girls desk and said what do you and before she could say want the girl puked all over the desk and on the teacher!!

    everyone cracked up laughing!!

  7. No....Harry P's answer.  O__o

  8. yeah i did it in the first grade alot for some reason.good thing nobody remembers me

  9. not to me personally. i nearly have loads of times.

    also a girl who went up to get a badge in a school assembly threw up on our headteacher at the time. the whole school was laughing so hard for the rest of the day. but i hate feeling sick or like im going to throw up

  10. well, someone has thrown up in my class.

    but, I've felt really sick, but I never threw up [i had a horrible headache].

  11. noooooope.

    Can I have the 10 points?

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