
Has anyone gotten any mean emails?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Nope. Just nice ones.

  2. Yes, I have gotten a few but not lately

  3. no i havent, people have to be careful about what they say for offending people.  there are ways to speak your mind but not do it rudely.

  4. My email isn't public. I had thought about opening it, but when I read about all the nasty ones going to and fro, well, I just don't need the additional angst in my life. It's masochistic enough just reading the adoption question section! :-)

  5. Oddly enough, I haven't gotten any emails from people on Y!A, even though I have it where people can email me if they want. I have only sent one email to anyone from here, and it was not a nasty email but a rather friendly one I thought. She never replied though so I dont know, she might've misconstrued it as mean?

    All of this "sides war" mess is just so junior high its obnoxious though (not directing this at you!). I've noticed over the past few days everyone is getting along well and there haven't been any flame wars between us aside from a few snarky comments here and there, but it seems its still happening behind the scenes as people are saying they're getting nasty emails, having their questions and answers reported, being harrassed outside of Y!A. How absolutely silly. For the most part, aren't we all adults? I mean, yes I've reported people who try to solicit babies here, I've reported posts where people are outright name calling and insulting people, thats what the report function is for, but reporting people because they don't agree with you? Sending nasty emails to others because you dont like what they posted about adoption? Don't we have better things to do with our time then that? When people act like this it doesn't make anyone see your side more clearly, if anything it makes you look ignorant and less credible. You can't bully people into changing their opinions, you can only present your opinions in the best, most articulate way you can and hope you get your message across.

  6. Yeah I've gotten a few.  Some people are very angry that I'm choosing to raise my child as a single mother...i've been posting about it quite a bit.  Some of the emails are so mean and hateful, they rile me up a little but there is so much more support out there than rejection so I just take it with a grain of salt.

  7. no because I'm not a mean person

  8. No, I have never sent nor received any nasty emails.

  9. i got a lot of could call them..."friends"... or from other unknown persons...but...delete :D

  10. Suprisingly no I haven't and I've posted and answered some pretty controversial stuff.

  11. Nope.

  12. No, I don't let anyone email me. I have read comments here and I'm afarid that because someone disagree's with me. they will send me a nasty email.

  13. Nope I haven't.  Don't worry Noodles we have you blocked too.

  14. Not one.  And I wouldn't care if I did.

  15. Yes, I have, but not necessarily from this category.

  16. i haven't had any mean emails lately, not in months. Who sent you one? what'd it say? tee hee i'm sooo nosey!

    I've had a couple of nice emails from people unexpected though. :)

  17. No...not from ANY forum I answer on ( I check pets and others not just this one)

  18. Yes. I understand it though. I really speak my mind, and offend a lot of people. But i leave it at that.

  19. I was before I shut the email off and blocked all the ones who give the rest of us thumbs down without bothering to read our posts and leave nasty, childish, cruel, whining rants here.

    I agree with the person who said that it's masochistic enough just coming in here.

  20. Sadly, I have received some very ugly emails attacking my points of view from answers I provided in this category, specifically my tagline.  I've been called self-centered, spewing lies, baby stealer, etc....all through emails!   And yet, I have received some very nice and supportive emails also.  

    I had thought about closing my email, but for me, I want to leave it open in case someone does want help or assistance with something or needs clarification on an answer I provided.  

    It is quite obvious that my adoption situation is much different than others on this board, but if I feel it is important to remember that ALL situations are different and being able to provide an outlet for everyone to express their feelings is one way of gaining support for Adoption Reform.  

    I agree that I have seen an improvement in this category and my emails over the last few days.  And I'm hoping that people continue to remember that we are here to share knowledge and experience, not beat each other up.

  21. Nope, unless something got in my spam filter.

  22. My email is kept private---nobody can IM me or send me messages.  I came here to participate in asking questions and giving answers...not a highschool clique scenario!

  23. Oddly enough I haven't. Very odd indeed.

    I have gotten some amazing ones from beautiful, caring, wonderful people. MUAH!!!!

  24. i get alot of mean e-mails especilly from exs and ex-friends

  25. When I first came here, I got a couple of emails from peole telling me I should be more grateful and just get over it and that I had a bad attitude.

    It wasn't mean so much as disturbing since I think I had a pretty good attitude.

    And someone made a weird reference to my biodad who happens to be dead that I found strange so I turned off my email.  Problem solved only now I've been accused of hiding and being an alias.

    You can't please everybody I guess.

    I did notice that every email had the person's name on it. So I just blocked the people who were creeping me out.  They all seem to have disappeared anyway.  Maybe they were aliases.  Who knows.  Who cares.  Just sad people.

  26. No I haven't.  I have had a couple of nice ones though and I think it's great that there can be civilized dialogue between people of opposing views; it can clear up alot of misunderstanding and clear the air

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