
Has anyone had this before?

by  |  earlier

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for the past few weeks iv felt quick sickly, iv not been able to eat alot and if i do i cant eat alot and i get full up quite easily or have to stop and have a break, iv been sick twice, and iv not been able to smoke as it knocks me sick (which is a good thing i suppose) and i find it quite hard to even consume alcohol. is this an infection in my stomach or something? has anyone experienced this before, i dont fancy going to the doctors for something trivial like this, id rather see other peoples opinions on here, thanks.




  1. Try to get as much vitamins and other nutrients into you, as you can.  This is vital, or you will feel a lot worse.

    I don't know what it could be, but best to have your quack check it out eliminate anything too serious!


  2. I had the same thing a few weeks ago and i'm also a smoker I dont think its anything to worry about it will go away soon.


  3. The same happened to me then shortly after I found out I was pregnant, could it be that?

  4. i got that for a little while. i didnt know why, it lasted about 2 months then just passed. werid :S hope its nothing bad:) x

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