
Has anyone had to be induced ?

by Guest59977  |  earlier

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i'm 41 weeks + 11 days and tomorrow i'm going in to be induced. I'm having this done with the Prostanglandins tablet that will be inserted into my v****a and then with a possible second dose 6 hours later. Has anyone had this done and how long did it take for labour to start for you once they did this procedure?




  1. I was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure. I had the option of the tablet or the gel. They decided to put the gel on my cervix. A few hours later I began losing my mucus plug. They broke my water shortly after that. Labor began after my water broke. They induced me at 3:30pm and real labor began around 10pm. I had her at 4:41am with only 40 minutes of pushing.

  2. I had this done for both deliveries. With my last they gave me my first dose 11am, I received my second dose at 3 or so. I kept getting more until they finally were able to break my water at 12 am. Once they broke my water I had an epidural and then was given pitocin to speed up the process of labour. He was finally born at 2:24 pm the next day.

    It was a long process.

  3. Yep i was about 42 weeks. I got induced about 7pm and went into labour about 8:30 and had my daughter at 8:21am the next day. I had a friend her had her induction same time went into labour at 1am and had her baby the next day at 5:30pm.

    I was already 2cm when i was induced and dialated a cm an hour. I think induction makes labour faster most times

  4. I was induced using Pitocin. I took me about 5 hours to really begin hard labor. I am not sure if the results are similar to what you are getting, but my labor was perfect! I had an epidural which helped. I have known a few people who had what you are getting and it's supposed to gently get your body started, rather than the pitocin which makes the contractions stronger and more intense.

    I just wanted to give you a positive story since there were a few negatives!

    Good luck & Congrats, you will be fine!

  5. My baby is 3 weeks old now and i was induced at 42 weeks. I had the prostyglandin tablet inserted at 5pm, i started having very light contractions at 5.45pm then at 6.50pm my waters broke at 11pm they gave me the 2nd tablet and at 11.45pm my contractions were getting much stronger. I was admitted to the labour and delivery at 10am the next morning after having contractions all night being about 6 minutes apart. By this stage i was 7cm dialated. At this point an epidural was administered which relived the pain and gave me chance to sleep a little. I was ready to push at about 3.30 that afternoon.

    Being induced does make your labour longer only because your body isnt doing it naturally, my labour was 23 hours but it vary's for different women. I did end up having my baby via forceps because she turned the wrong way at the last minute but this wasnt because i was induced. most women who are induced go on to deliver naturally and safely. Good luck, i hope this has helped.

  6. I was induced at 39 weeks 2 days. I was put on pitocin at noon and started contractions almost immediatly. They had gotten so bad I had an epirural about 1/2 day in. Then I had cervidal inserted that night to help me dialate. I was in labor for a day and a half. I wouldnt dialte past 5-6 cm, then my son started getting distressed is what the doc said. I had to do an emergency c section and he turned out perfect!!

  7. I had to be induced with my daughter. I used to the Cervidel tablets that are supposed to soften the cervix. The tablet pretty much started my labor right up, but the on-call doctor didn't want to deliver a baby that night (not sure why) so I wasn't given my second dose 6 hours later. The next morning, around 630, I was given pitocen, and I had my daughter that night at 7:25.

  8. Another ended in a C-section here, I'm afraid - head too big.

    Labour started in the could be measured sense within a couple of hours, and was really rather unpleasant within 4 or 5.


  10. I took a very long time...about 24 hours before I was in proper labour..and they had given me so much of the drug that I was in agony...I laboured for another 24 hours and ended up with an emergency c section:(

  11. i had this with my second, had tablet at 10.30am ish and by 12.30 i needed gas and air, he was born 7.30 pm. it was quicker than i thought. good luck.

  12. I was induced at 39 weeks.  I was given cervadil, which worked well.  I was also given a pitocin drip.  I went to the hospital 6pm on Sunday the labor pains began at 10pm, and I had the baby at noon the following day.

  13. Oh yes. I had that done. It is rather uncomfortable and sometimes does not work. They did it and 12 hours later they started pitosin. I started having a bad reaction to the pitosin and they stopped it and started it again 4 times (so i was told). I cant remember too much of my labor because they kept giving me medication for pain that just pretty much knocks you out.   I ended up having 3 epidurals and was sleeping 1 hour before I had my son. and my doctor never showed.

    My best advice for you: Make sure you talk over what limits you have before you go in there. Make sure you know your doctor will be there talking to you about each procedure. Ask questions. Make sure someone is at the hospital the WHOLE time you are in labor and they know what you want.

    Good Luck!!

  14. I was and sadly, mine ended in an emergency c-section:( He was wrapped up in his cord.

  15. I was induced with pitocin and my labor was 7 hours start to finish (from the time they put in the IV to the time he was born.)

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