
Has anyone heard of Melaleuca?

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My Wife was approached by a Friend who has joined Melaleuca a Multi-level marketing business. She is a stay at home mom looking for a little extra income. I am just interested in anybodies experiences with this company and advice on whether to join.




  1. MLM is NOT good!

    ONLY if you have somekinda gift for SELLING

    and that is SELLING a LOT.

    Don't do it!

    First and foremost, don't give them any money!

  2. Most MLM's operate along the same lines.  And those lines include doing things, and believing things that are (in my opinion) detrimental to your personality.

    And some MLM's are almost cult-like.  They want you to come to lots of meetings and bring people with you (recruiting/indoctrination).  I have seen a MLMer trying to recruit someone at the person's fathers funeral - that's pretty hideous behaviour.  They want you to associate with them and others in the MLM and even suggest that you don't associate with your 'old friends' because they won't 'sign-up'

    Unless the product is something you can truely believe in, it becomes very tiresome.  The worst case is that you will end up with alot product that you can't shift.

    I have been in MANY MLMs over the years (only one was profitable and fun and they went bust because they didn't employ the 'hard-sell' that is needed to thrive in the business).

    They make it sound fun and easy, but it isn't (unless you are prepared to ignore your principles).

    Unless this MLM your wife has found is the best thing since sliced bread (and believe me, they ALL say they are), I would say "Stay Away"

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