
Has anyone noticed Gordon Browns?

by  |  earlier

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weird habit!





  1. Biting his fingernails? That's not weird.

  2. From the look on his face he has a bad case of piles, so I hope he isn't picking his nose after scratching.

    I've heard he has stopped wearing pyjama's and now goes to bed wearing only a kamikaze head band, but you might know him better than me :0)

  3. what looking totally clueless? Because he does that a lot. LOL

  4. Yeah, it's worse that Posh's poute!!!!  And once you've clocked onto it, it really really get's your goat up!!!

  5. you mean his jaw dropping habit? or have i missed another one?

  6. B*ggering up the country is not a habit, it is a deliberate policy.

  7. Gordon Brown has many weird habits,the jaw thing being one which cannot go unnoticed.

  8. Which one ?

  9. His mask is falling .

  10. you mean his habit of always getting it wrong

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