
Has anyone seen my mate Pascal?

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Has anyone seen my mate Pascal?




  1. He is locked in a lavatory at Victoria Station.

  2. The last ime I saw him he said to me,

    "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction"

    Seeing some of the questios and answers on here I think he was right

  3. Yep a few seconds ago. He was sitting on my garden wall looking at himself on a raindrop on a rose.

  4. No hunny but if i do ill give you a call ok email me on

  5. i'm sure i saw him behind the counter of a chip shop in deptford, east london...

  6. yes i bumped into himwhen i was doing my weekly shop at morrisons tonight.he asked about you actually and i told him you were well.

  7. the SI unit of pressure?

  8. yeah, i saw him in Dublin city centre a couple of hours ago. he looked in good form!

  9. i am sure that a lot of people have seen him , unless he is dead ..

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