
Has anyone seen this?

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has anyone ever had an incounter with what seems to be a little man with fangs and claws a hat and pant and shoes he comes in your room at night either climbs on top of you or gets close to your face and you can't move your frozen and most of the time he has someone with him a very big shadow or cloaked individual standing in the room i use to think it was the big one i was fighting with but actually it's the little one. the only thing that seems to beat it is by saying the our father and it goes away. I'm from louisiana and a few people here old and young have seen the same thing is there anyone else that has had to same thing happen to them?




  1. Yes...I've had the experience...but I've never seen anyone or anything.  My experience is that I'm awake, but I can't open my eyes, or my mouth, and I can't move, like you said.  Someone once told me that people say there's a witch on your back.  It's really amazing that you've actually seen something to go along with that experience.  Personally, I believe it is demonic and evil spirits, which would explain why saying the Our Father prayer gets rid of it.  But it is really a terrifying experience...I pray my children never experience this.

  2. cajun it sounds to me as though some meds. might be called for.   then again i don't know anything about this guy,  sounds like some delusional visions to me because of my limited understanding of your reality,  good luck chic

  3. Tell him that you don't like to be raped in your sleep.

  4. Here the thing..It's called CRAZY..U might-just a thought-wanna see a docter

  5. Well, I read about the boo hag. It is much like a vampire except it steals your breath and sometimes skin. it wears skin much like clothes. does this man have red skin? although the legend might be a little wrong, like all legends. Legend says that to keep the boo hag away from you you should put a broom next to your bed. Try it and see if it works. Supposedly he will be busy counting the broom twigs instead of stealing your breath. do you wake up breathless in the morning?  

  6. i think i found what creature your talking about its called a boo hag its from southern mythology in the USA its a type of vampire that feeds on your breath not your blood

  7. My advice to you is to communicate with whatever you saw, everything happens for a reason, and this isn't just happening to you for just because. Another thing, go to the public library and look up your family history and also if anything major ever happened there.

  8. Yes except it wasn't little at all, it tried to strangle me and I couldn't breathe.

  9. What I think you and Verona are thinking of is Sleep Paralysis. You wake up and cannot control any part of your body. You usually see an illusion of a dark shadow.

    I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about though.Maybe see a local about it.
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