
Has anyone used a buttshield?

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Last time I went snowboarding, I bit it hard, right on my coccyx. So I was looking into some cheap, good protection for my bum, and I kind of like the buttshield. Has anyone tried it out? and what are your thoughts on it? If you did not like it, or have not tried it, are there any other choices (fairly cheap) that are good at protecting people's bottoms, especially when snowboarding? Thanks.




  1. um well you could try wearing ice hockey pading they have major but padding

  2. I've never worn padding but I've seen some spandex shorts kind of things with "padding where you need it" and they seem like they'd be a good idea. They aren't super heavily padded so they probably don't feel too bulky but if they work i'd say go for it. i think we've all had those times where you catch your edge on some random patch of super soft snow, eat it, and roll a good few feet down the mountian. And it's times like those when some padding would come in handy!

  3. When you are learning to snowboard you WILL fall. Most of the time it's because you are TOO tense, relax as much as you can, it definately affects the control. Take a lesson this may help. I've been working with a friend that is trying to learn. She was on the wrong board. Too stiff for a beginner. If you are going to focus on negatives on snowboarding by buying stuff to protect your butt then maybe snowboardings not for you. Try skiing, you can go slow and have poles to keep your balance. Snowboards need speed to turn easily so if you are afraid, it won't happen.

  4. Ive never used a buttsheild as such but when i was learning to board the instuctor i had gave us some like thin hard foam to protect your bum if you fell backwards. We only used it a few times but it did help a bit and if it helps with your confidence its a good idea to get some sort of protection. I wouldent spend much though as you will only probably used it a while when your learning . If i was you id just pad yourself out a bit with foam etc, Good luck with the riding.

  5. I use one when I walk by a g*y bar.

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