
Has colustrum ut no milk?

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milk hasnt showed up after c section has colustrum and very little milk. how many days until milk shows up its been eight days




  1. It can take a while for milk to come in after birth and sometimes longer after a c-section.

    Keep nursing, pump in between and go buy some Fenugreek or Mothers Milk Tea. Drink ALOT of water as well.

    I would aim to pump every hour for at least 10-15min to get your milk in.

  2. I had a C section myself and it took 9 days for my milk to completely come in. I would suggest that if it doesn't come in with in the next couple of days to call the doctor.

    My doctor told me it can take up to 10 days for milk to come in, but you don't want to wait too long.

  3. I had the same situation,don't worry milk is gonna start to come in 3 days also i drank a lot of liquids(even if it's water) and try to stimulate the milk production by pumping it with a mechanical breast pump , gratz for the new baby :)

  4. I would wonder about her diet and liquid intake. Call a lactation consultant and make sure baby is having at least 6-8 wet diapers a day and not losing weight.

  5. Usually the milk comes in like clockwork at 72 hours post partum, but a c-section does throw a wrench into the scenario. Have her take fenugreek, 3 capsules 3 times per day. Also, she needs to be pumping with a good double electric pump, preferably hospital-grade, every 2 hours to help her milk come in. Congrats on the new baby and your commitment to breastfeeding!

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