
Has evolution pretty much been proven?

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yes, I believe in Darwin's theory but also if someone could explain micro and macro




  1. Evolution is as proven as anything in science can be proven (science never actually proves anything, only supports with evidence).

    Micro and macroevolution are two terms commonly abused by creationists.

    Microevolution is small changes.

    Macroevolution is larger changes.

    Small changes accumulate over time into large changes.  There is nothing to stop this, and no barrier between the terms, they are subjective.

    The thorny issue with evolution is common descent, the idea that all life descends from a common ancestor.  People don't like the idea that they are related to other animals.

    Ironically, this is also the most well supported part, the fact it happened.  Genetics, fossils, and biogeography all support it unequivocally.

  2. Yes. It's been proven just like Newton's Laws of Physics have, through material evidence and many trials where the results would appear the same. That doesn't necessarily mean a theory is true, but it's the best us humans have to play with, and so we call it proof. The only reason Evolution is denied by many as a proven theory vs. laws of physics and chemistry is because it usually interferes with the biblical story of the forming of the world.

  3. Sure, evolution exists.  Every once in a while, God looks down at what He created, and changes something.

  4. That depends: micro- or macro-evolution?...just kidding.

    Short answer: Yes

  5. Micro- Small incremental changes within species

    Macro- Large changes resulting in new systems and species

    Both have been proven as best as one can prove.

    "There are no proofs but in Math, Booze and Judge Judy."

  6. "Evolution" just means "change".

    As used in biology, it can mean two things:

    [1] that populations of organisms change in their characteristics over time. This is an observed FACT - you only need to go as far as the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and pesticide resistance in mosquitoes, the new 'flu virus each year, industrial melanism of the peppered moth, etc. to see that.

    [2] the "theory of evolution by natural selection", which takes the above observation and explains how it happens. This is a scientific theory, and as such can *never* be "proved". No scientific theories ever can be; only maths has proof - scientific theories have *evidence*. However, the 150+ years' worth of evidence supporting the theory is so overwhelming that it can be considered "proved beyond reasonable doubt".

    The "micro" vs "macro" distinction is NOT one generally used by biologists - only by those who object to evolution on theological grounds.

    Basically, "microevolution" is small-scale changes (like antibiotic resistance developing), while "macroevolution" is larger-scale changes (like the evolution of whales from legged ancestors).

    Obviously, microevolution can be observed and categorised easily, but macroevolution cannot. However - there is no real difference between the two: after all, if I step an inch a day, I will eventually walk a mile.

    In fact, there has been a long-term study on the evolution of 12 different populations of E. coli bacteria which *has* observed a true macroevolutionary change. One of the defining characteristics of E. coli is its inability to metabolise citrate, and one population of bacteria in this study has developed the ability to do just that - making it a true new species.

  7. All material evidence (and it is a mountain of evidence from many scientific disciplines) at this point in time does, indeed, support evolution.

  8. There is no such thing as "proof" except in math and liquor. In science it's all about the weight of evidence, just like in a trial where someone is proven guilty "beyond reasonable doubt" rather than mathematically proven guilty.

    Anyway, evolution has been proven far beyond reasonable doubt. There is simply no competing scientific theory. Evolution is the central principle of all life sciences - without it they would be just a collection of unrelated facts, like chemistry without the concept of atoms. Every day, scientists in the lab, the field and using theoretical models come up with new evidence in favor of evolution and also use evolution to explain things that were previously a mystery. In addition, evolutionary theory keeps suggesting new questions and new directions for research - the mark of a dynamic theory. Unlike creationism which is a static body of dogma.

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