
Has my friend moved on?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is 1 year older than me and back in 6th grade, he was in 7th, we hung out all the time. during 8th grade for me he changed schools in a town close by, his parents are divorced and he went to a school closer to his mom. We then started hanging out less and less and I felt whenever we did hang out it was because he had nothing better to do. I'm in 9th grade and hes in 10th grade now. i try to talk to him through myspace, but usually doesn't even answer. He hangs out with this other kid now and is usually with him doing stuff we wanted to do once we had a car, his friend has a car. I also kindda of feel like he doesnt think of me much anymore like a little brother. Am I acting paranoid or what do you guys think?




  1. I just think he has to move on.. get some new friends. He still accepts you as a friend but not exactly one of his best friends. I guess you guys became less closer to eachother after he moved.

    Try to talk to him more call him.. Ask him if hes busy if u wanted to hang out.

    If not.. its your time to move on too. Get some new friends.

    Good luck.

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