
Has my growth been stunted?

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i am 20 turning 21 i used to lift heavy 5 gallon containers to fetch water when i was about 13 or 14 uphill. when using a wheelbarrow i used to carry about 5 five gallon containers and pushed it uphill and with out a wheel barrow i would carry two five gallon containers one in each hand. my main question is carrying things that heavy at such a young age, has it caused me to not grow and made me lighter than the average 20 yr old? im currently 5'7" and 133 lbs my parents are both about 5'7ish. my friend said he didnt start growing until he was 20 will i still have my growth spurt?




  1. Because not everyone has a growth spurt.  I never did.  No one in my family did.  And I can count the people from school who had one on one hand.

  2. You should be fine.  Just eat healthy.  Some people do not get the growth spurt.  They grow slower for a longer time.

  3. Obvious troll is obvious

  4. yes you will be fine dont worry

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