
Has terrorism ever been successful?

by  |  earlier

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To speak is to fight,

names named malicious,

called out, berated, back shot,

An opinion is valuable enough

to be killed for,

And how have things changed

for the Balcombe Street Gang

since they shot Ross McWhirter

in the head?





  1. no it has never been successful

  2. Your first line says it all. So I ask, "when will they ever learn?" And I fear, never.

  3. I feel this one.  I too have seen enough terror in my life. Except the guy that got shot in the head survived.  My brother Calvin.

  4. Excellent TD, I often wonder what it is in our makeup that refuses to accept the other... yet I see atrocities committed daily by the least of us as well as the most powerful; and it reminds me how inhumane humanity has become. Earth is a battlefield between good and evil and maybe that's just God's way of sorting us out so we all end up where we are supposed to end up...  It's unfortunate that so many of us are hurt in the process.

  5. It's a frightening world we live in.I can only hope and pray it changes.

  6. Anger drives actions...most detrimental.  Intimidation through anger works only for a while.  Probably another shot in the head coming.  Interesting finish to this...good.

  7. Random House Publishers recently decided NOT to publish a book about Islam fearing reprisals from the Islamofacists in America.  Our schools have prayer rooms for Muzzies but not xian kids. I'd say they have won.

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