
Has this happened to anyone else??

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I just bought one of those cheap digital cameras from Walmart, it's made by Sakar International & Digital Concepts. It came with a disc to install PhoTags Express, the program you're supposed to use to manage the photos. So I installed it & connected the USB cable into both computer & camera - and nothing happened! It tells you to click on the device you are trying to upload from & when I do that there are no pictures to view!!! Has anyone else bought this camera or does anyone know about this?? Please help!!!




  1. There is usually some sort of PC or USB mode you must put the camera into before it will work.  Check the manual to be sure you completed all of the steps needed

  2. I have never heard of that camera.  Why not take it back and get a better one from Canon.  And also get a card reader so you don't need to use the camera rto upload your pictures.  You just put the memory card into the reader and plug it into a USB port on your computer.  That will save a lot on your camera batteries, too.

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