
Has this happened to anyone???

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Last night i went to the jonas brothers concert and it was awesome but at the same time it was so loud i couldn't hear myself. And today when i woke up, i had this terrible headache and throughout the day its been like this. it'll go away after a while but now it won't go away, has this happened to anyone before




  1. yep, after most concerts that's what happens.

    if you press on your temples it helps alot

  2. maybe u just have p**p in ur head. go to the crapper

  3. your head just hurts because of all the noise just take some advil and you'll be good

  4. no go see a doctor thats mad weird

  5. aww i <3 the jonas brothers. yes it will go away, be patient, dont worry, and sleep.

  6. yes happened to me too.It will go away...............

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