
Has your time on Yahoo dropped?

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significantly since they closed the news message boards? Mine has. I could not tell you one news story or advertisement if you asked me.




  1. Yes definitely and yahoo answers time might drop off soon too.

  2. I haven't used that service whatsoever. But my time on Answers is sure to drop soon, I hope.


  3. Not really. But I will enjoy the calm

    before the next storm.

    One can always discuss a news story here

    in answers. Downside: You only get to say

    what you want once. But if a user has more

    than one account, it could be lunch time.

  4. Yes it has

    For the most part I barely go on yahoo anymore.

    What Yahoo doesn’t seem to understand is that reading some of the posting actually made me laugh out loud because they were so inventive and funny.

    Laughing is good

    Yahoo is way to PC to understand that

    what we need is an anti Yahoo news message  board where anyone can come and say anything they want about anything without getting kicked

    if people dont like it they dont have to be there

  5. Completely, and I'm getting way more done in the real world.  Of course, my yahoo answers points went up, but I'm still not here like I was on the MBs.

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