
Haunted or ghosts stories in....?

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do you know any ghost stories in oklahoma, if not just tell me some ghost stories




  1. The Cemetary

    She walks out of work at midnight, every agonizing step being felt by her swollen feet, having survived one of the busiest nights at the diner. She daydreams of the "things to do" list that has to be tackled tomorrow and the hot bath waiting for her when she gets to her house. Suddenly, she is brought back to reality when she hears footsteps falling in behind her. She strains to hear their rhythm, trying to assure herself it's just someone out for an evening stroll, or perhaps just needing to buy something at the corner store. Desperately she tries to keep her heart from pounding so loud that the whole neighborhood isn't awakened.

    She picks up her stride and turns the first corner towards home. Convinced her imagination is working overtime until she acutely notices the heavy falling footsteps turn the corner and quicken their pace. She turns sharply, ready to face the unseen stranger but all she views is an empty sidewalk. Though no one appears to be around, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, warning her of impending danger. She looks around for anything that will offer her safety, when she sees the local cemetery groundskeeper tending to one of the graves. Quickly she reaches the cemetery's large cast iron gate and throws it open with a force that even surprises her. Running through the grounds, she is unaware that the footsteps have stopped short, refusing to enter this forbidden darkness of souls.

    She stumbles on the first mound encountered and scrambles to get up. Finally, getting to her feet, she realizes something is preventing her from moving. Looking down, she sees dirt encrusted hands rising from the bowels of the grave and encircling her ankles. She lets out a blood curdling scream and fights desperately to get released, but the gnarled hands hang on with an unearthly strength. Kicking as hard as she can, she loses her balance, falls backwards and begins being pulled under the soft soil. Down into the eternal darkness...down into the terror that lies beneath........Her fingernails claw at empty air and she brings them down, where they settle on the handle of a shovel, left behind from work done earlier in the day. She lifts it in the air and comes down hard on the imprisoning hands. The grip loosens for a split second, time enough for her to break free and scramble from their reach. She quickly rises and looks for the groundskeeper, knowing he is her only chance to survive.

    "Over here," she hears someone yell. "Come over here. I can protect you." The voice beckons her to a lake in the middle of the grounds. Searching the area with her tired eyes, she can't see who summoned her. Then, the waters start to stir and a man appears, rising from the water's ripples. She stares at the broken face. One eye, apparently injured in some long ago accident, is shut. The other taunting her with it's evilness. A large wart on his forehead is only overpowered by the scar stretching across his cheek. Out of the corner of her eye she spots the groundskeeper and tries to break away from the force she finds enveloping her mind. A force so engulfing that it pulls her to the waters edge. She sees the beauty of the rippling water and feels an almost overpowering urge to slip into it's unspoken promise of safety. As she is about to enter into the velvety softness of the lake, a cat streaks by behind her, scared by some unheard noise in the night, and breaks her from her trance. She gathers her wits quickly and races off towards the ground's keeper. "He's the only one here to help me," she thinks. Getting closer to him with every stride.

    Begging for help as she runs toward him, she doesn't notice that he seems not to hear. She only knows that a few more steps and she can be safe again.... a few more steps to someone who will guide her out of this "garden of terror"... a few more steps and she's on her way home...... just a few more steps ....... As she reaches him she feels her burning lungs about to explode. Her air supply exhausted by the marathon gate she never knew she was capable of. Her hands grab at the cape that he wears for protection against the cold, night air. "Help me please," she stammers, "I need your help to get out of here." He slowly turns around and her body shudders uncontrollably as she stares into the face of death. The last thing she hears is the unmistakable voice offering his frightful greeting........WELCOME!

  2. to long.

  3. Haunted Bridge

    It is said if you wander at night near the old bridge over White l**k Creek, you may hear the screams and moans of the ghost of Avon's Haunted Bridge. And on hot summer days you can see the ghost's tears on the concrete of the bridge. Some people will tell you that there in no ghost, that the screams are just the product of wind, and that the tears are caused by condensation. But others will tell you that the ghost is real. Who exactly the ghost is supposed to be, no one can say. In one version of the tale, it was a black or Irish laborer involved with the bridge's construction. He fell into one of the unsealed supports and was killed almost instantly. The railroad didn't want to waste time or money to get him out, so the support was sealed with the worker still inside. In some versions of this tale, the worker's arm hung out of the support, and had to be cut off. Another theory has it that a passenger train jumped the track on the newly constructed bridge. The train crashed into the creek, but none of the passengers were harmed. Only the engineer was killed, and it is he who haunts the bridge. But there are claims that the ghost isn't a man's at all, but that of a young mother mourning her child. The infant was ill, and the mother walked along the railroad tracks to get a doctor. Midway across the bridge, she could her see a train coming in her direction. She tried to run to safety, but her foot got stuck between two ties. She was able to free herself, but she didn't have enough time to run to safety. She jumped from the bridge, and the baby slipped through her arms. Sick with grief from the loss of her child, the mother herself died in a matter of weeks.

    The Haunted Bridge today.

    While any or all of these stories could have some basis in fact, none of them have been verified. All we really know about the history of the bridge is that it was constructed in 1906-1907, and that it was double tracked in 1908. The bridge is still used by the railroad today, but whether or not it is haunted is open to speculation. You're welcome to find out yourself. But don't say we didn't warn you.

  4. One dark, windy night, the town drunk was meandering his way home after the bar closed. Somehow he got turned around and ended up walking through the churchyard instead of taking the road home.

    The wind picked up and he thought he could hear a voice calling his name. Suddenly, the ground opened up in front of him, and he fell down, down into an open grave! He could hear the voice clearer now, calling to him. He knew it was the devil, coming for him just like the preacher said, on account of him being the town drunk.

    The hole was very deep and inside it was pitch black. His eyes adjusted to the darkness after a few moments, and he made out a form sitting in the darkness with him. It called his name, and he scrambled away in fear, trying to climb out of that terrible grave. Then the figure spoke. "You can't get out," it said.

    The drunk gave a shout of pure terror and leapt straight up more than six feet. He caught the edge of the hole in his hands, scrambled out, and ran for home as fast as he could go.

    Inside the open grave, his neighbor Charlie sighed in resignation. He'd fallen into the hole a few minutes before his friend and had thought that together they might help each other climb out. Now he was going to have to wait until morning and get the mortician to bring him a ladder.


  5. My uncles bought a three story house in O.K.I wont say where,cause I dont want them to be bothered.

    This house is over a hundred years old and it is enormous.

    there was(in the old days)seven rooms on the top floor where the servants would live,the family would live on the first two floors.,,When they first bought the place,I helped them"refurbish"it.It had been standing empty for about twenty years,so the task was a big one....the first day we were trying to clean out some of the things left in there by homeless people over the years,when we were on the third floor,we heard a noise in the closet of one of the rooms and went to investigate,,when we opened the closet door,there was a great rush of wind,but noone was in there.once the wind had rushed by us,there were no more occurences...

    I went to visit a couple of years later,after the place was all redone and glorious again,,new everything!!(my uncles are very wealthy).Each room had its own unique theme,,there was the japanese room,the greek room,the german room,the electronics room,,so on and etc...This place has a huge basement that has a tunnel that leads to the two story garage,,in the basement there was(in the old days)a huge furnace that was used to heat the whole house,,my uncles installed central heat abd air of course,but couldnt bear to get rid of the old furnace as it was an antiquity,so they just had it cleaned up and polished....In the "new"basement,there is a tanning bed,a pool table,a really nice bar and a small theatre with a really big viewing screen(seats about 20),the tanning bed is adjacent to the old furnace because they used the old ventilation shaft for cooling the tanning bed(complete with fans)......

    On the third day of my visit,my uncles invited me down(my room was the master suite on the third floor) to take some time in the jacuzzi in the back yard(they had invited some women they knew and we were three and three)...noone else was in the house...before I went downstairs,I laid some sweat pants out on my bed,because I knew I was going to be coming back up,fresh out of the jacuzzi and wet and I could just slip right into my sweats......I distinctly remember doing this!!!!the sweats were gray and I can see myself laying them out like it was yesterday!!!

    I went down to the jacuzzi and we had a really great time,I really hit it off with one of the girls and she wanted to(after a few drinks)go and use one of the tanning beds,so we went up to my room to change....when we got to my room,my sweats were nowhere to be found!Also I had 5 pairs of sweat pants,but my drawer where I kept them was EMPTY!!!

    Shrugging it of(remember we were drinking)We went down to the basment to tan.I got her all set up in her bed,then settled myself into my own bed.After a few minutes,she started screaming...i jumped up and rushed to her aid.....But there was noone there...only her....she swore that somone had"caressed"her from out side the bed....we heard a faint noise to our left,just like a leaf being crumpled,nothing too creepy really,but by this time all of our senses were heightened,so we noticed and both looked,,in the direction of the old furnace,,the furnace that had been cleaned and polished and not used in over 20 yrs!!!!There inside the half open door of the burn chamber,were my sweats,,all of them!Most were half burned!!!We got out of that basement as fast as we could....I stayed in a motel that night and took a flight back home the next morning,,,now whenever I go to visit my uncles,I dont go to their house,I always stay in the motel..Most of my other family members who have stayed in that house have stories of their own to tell as well..Including my uncles,who seem to come up with something new monthly,,but they still love their house and would never leave it....God only knows why,,,,I would have gotten rid of it long ago.

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