
Have I got an okay figure?

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26" waist

10-12 in jeans and 8-10 in t-shirts

My thighs kinda touch together though

I'm just asking because someone told me I was 'lanky' and 'flat chested' the other day. :(




  1. 5"6 , 32A, I have a 26inch waist, I'm a size 6-8 (UK) in Jeans and 8-10 in T-shirts. Trust me you are perfectly fine. Quite curvy actually, curvy is good!

  2. i think you have a perfect figure. Who cares if you are flat chested. believe me you want to be flat. i have 34C's and they suck. im not even full grown yet!!

  3. You have got a perfect figure.. try to maintain the same....

    and got a perfect height with perfect sizes and waist...

    A gal of ur age shud possess these kind of measurements...

    Anyway am sure that you will be a golden doll with these numbers...

  4. 26 inch waist and a size 10-12 in jeans???

    you do kinda have a weird body. my waist is 26 inches and i only wear a 2-4

  5. TO Earth Calling- You are a r****d if you think a 26" waist is fat, do you even know what you are talking about?!?! Do some research before you call someone fat!!! wow

    Katie-If your waist is 26", your hips should be 36"-37" max for your body to look proportioned and have that hourglass figure without the fat in the belly! If your hips are less than that, than it sounds to me like your back and shoulders or your top half are bigger than your bottom half.

    However, a pic will would be best to give you a more accurate answer.

  6. Im about the same but 2 inches shorter and i feel like i should gain weight because i look unatractive.

    I think maybe you should gain a little weight but also do exercise to tone the weight you do gain.

    Oh an you have bigger b***s than me so be happy! For you figure shape your b***s are fine. Dont want 36DD b***s do ya? With your frame they would kill your back and you would look like a barbie!

    If you hate them that much, get a padded bra- they work wonders!

    Dont listen to others- most big chested women want to be smaller because of the stress on thier backs and the fact us small chested women get away with more tops!

    Plus theyre prob just jealous anyway!

  7. they're just jealous =]

  8. 36B and a 26 waist? You REALLY need to go get yuor bra fitted properly. Or tell us the truth. 26 waist isn't a 10-12 either. I think you're either makingy ourself sound better to us, or you're wearing clothes that don't fit you.

    Everyone's thighs touch, if they don't you're too skinny. I'm very skinny and my thighs touch together.. And a B isn't flat chested. it's a nice size (same as me!!) If you're under16 people will say you're flat chested if you're anything under a D because they're stupid.

    I suggest you get clothes that fit well and make you look hot!

    (what I'm saying is it sounds like you're clothes are too big. I'm a 26" waist and 30" chest..and I am wide. i think Your bra is probably completely the wrong size. If the B cup fits you, you're probably more like a 32 D) ans 26" waist is a size 8

    oh by the way im 5' 7", so about the same figure as you and I'm always being told how nice mine is, so it's clearly just jelousy to you :-)

  9. Tell them to f*ck off.

    your fine.

  10. your tall you have a nice chest and your a perfit fit in jeans, who cares if your tall and skinny, and a b is NOT flat chested esp if your skinny maybe that persons just bringing you down

  11. You're about the build of my missus and shes neither lanky nor flat chested

  12. your fine!

  13. you're fine

    stop worrying

    answer mine please:;...

  14. your figure is absolutely fine! the person who said you were lanky and flat chested is jealous of you so ignore it and tell him/her to p**s off!

    so dont worry about a thing!

  15. your fine. 36b isnt exactly flat lol. nd whoever told you that better have looked d**n gud to be sayin stuff like that. nd its fine if your thighs touch. boys like sumthin to grab on.  

  16. They were jelouse.

  17. Don't listen to whoever said that.  They obviously are a prick!  You are totally fine and I'm sure you are quite beautiful!  Just be happy with yourself, seriously :)

  18. Honey you sound like you've got an amazing figure (flat chested are they mad?!?) They are probably just jealous, you have wonderful measurements I'm jealous! Don't worry about what other people say the only opinion that matters is the one you have of yourself, you are very lucky. You can pretty much wear anything, my thighs touch as well so don't worry. Give those **** holes the contempt they deserve.  You sound like you have an hour glass figure, the most vuluptuous of them all!! I also have as well lool.

    I mean I used to get these really skinny (truly flat chested girls I mean they were like rulers) taking the p**s out of me. So I said to them, your just jealous, why would we be jealous of you?  my reply to this was because I have two things you don't b***s and a personality and they are all my own. (one of the girls had a nose job at 14!) they left me alone after that. Don't worry what people say, their morons.

    so you know be proud of what you got! you gotta lot to show off!!!

  19. the most beautiful people in the world use confidence to boost what they have.  Everything you've described has no cause for concern. AT ALL

  20. well they're silly Muppet's!

    you dont have to have a pair of double d's to be attractive! i wish i was tall as you though! im stuck at 5"4! of course you have a good figure!  

  21. maybe tall a bit...but otherwise no...

  22. sounds hot to me

  23. You sound fine to me, i wish someone would call me lanky :|

  24. You sound great to me, take no notice of these comment's they are probably made by envious people.

  25. You know that person is probably Very jealous of you!!! I am a man that loves girls with smaller b*****s and shapely legs after their strength of ccharacter and brains so don't worry yourself about what one or 2 idiots might think and say OK

    Know that YOU are beautiful and that's because beauty comes from within not from the outside.

    If you look closely at people you can actually see their inner beauty or lack of reflected on the outside. Keep smiling and have lots of fun  

  26. 26" waist is kinda fat. Thighs touch together- Rub when you walk? Just asking.

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