
Have you boycotted anything lately

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Or are you planning to boycott a company? Why? Maybe I can join in.




  1. Starbucks.  They refuse to send ANYTHING to our troops in Afghanistan/Iraq.  This makes me very sad. And Target hasn't done that yet, but is talking about it.  As soon as they do, I suppose I'm off to WalMart  :(

    EDIT: I didn't know about Ford and McDonalds!

  2. I am proud to say that I CONTINUE to boycott Exxon/Mobile.... going all the way back to the Exxon Valdez incident.

    I also boycott The Home Depot because they do NOT recognize the Boy Scouts of America as an organization to whom it is worth making donations. They are not an "at risk" group.... which is code talk for "g*y friendly".

    I also boycott Citgo Gas, as it is owned by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela who hates America.

  3. I've been boycotting WalMart for years. Which isn't hard--their advertising about low prices is mostly BS. You can usually do better with a little shopping around. I don't do business with a company that deliberately destroys local businesses, breaks the labor laws, and tries to deny workers the right to unionize.  This is a free country and we don't need companies that act like a communist bureaucracy.

  4. Yes, I refused to buy my daughter a dress made in Vietnam (at Walmart).  It was a good price, but was probably made by wage-slaves.

  5. gasoline.

  6. my family boycotts horizon organic products, because apparently, they arent really organic.

    also, we boycott walmart because they push other businesses out of towns.

  7. I boycotted Ford because they support g*y marriage.

    I'm boycotting McDonald's for the same reason.

    Private businesses should stay out of politics.  

  8. I am boycotting the Boy Scouts of America, the LDS church (any organized religion for that matter), g*y and lesbians, planned parenthood, right to life groups, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, Nascar, Budweiser, NAMBLA, the RNC, the DNC, all oil companies except Conoco, Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus (they aint what they used to be).

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