
Have you dreams come true?

by  |  earlier

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Have your dreams, hopes or aspirations ever come true? If so what were they?




  1. What does this have to do with philosophy?

  2. uhhhh....nope.

  3. Some of my dreams did come true and it changed my philosophy of life. I also now expect some more dreams to come true as I remain hopeful.

  4. I wouldn't call em dreams, but unfortunately my nightmares have come true.  

  5. Luckily none of the T-Rex in my closet dreams have come true.

  6. ...waiting on the other two...first one came in and im very happy thank you...I FOUND LOVE...again, waiting on the other two...thanks for asking...

  7. i have no dreams.

  8. Uhmm.

    I don't know. It's weird because sometimes they do. But it's when I least expect it. But those dreams are usually quite realistic, and something basic, but at the same time Im like.. d**n ?

    Hahah. But super big dreams of mine, havent come true yet since, Im ..young. But also, some things just seem like .. impossible at times. But maybe... one dayy.

  9. hmm I usually wake up before it comes true.

  10. My dreams, the ones that I remember, are a vivid as you and I sitting down over a cup of tea in actual reality, the only difference is that I am asleep!  These particular dreams are precognitive and forewarn me of an event in the near future.  In my particular case, the majority of them warn me of something bad that is going to happen to me and actually prepare me or warn me of the event.

    Again some were spiritual insights to assist me on my Path/Way over three decades.

    I know that I have regular dreams, however, most of them I do not remember.... I might just get the end, just as I am waking up.

    Scrates also had precognitive dreams, on a regular basis.

  11. I think I'm still getting through the nightmares!

  12. wow.. thats a pretty cheezy question....ummm nope

  13. Hopes, Yes.

    Dreams, Yes

    Aspirations, No.

  14. no, in fact just today, my dreams were diced, burned, run over by a truck, eaten by a goat, pooped out by a goat, and used to plant flowers.

  15. only about half assed come true. about as come true as ive put energy into them

  16. sometimes, if got a nice dreams it inspire me to do thing that related to my dream. .  dreams are inspiration,aspiration that we must put 99% or approximately 100% perspiration. if i have a bad dreams, im doing opposite from it. . .  

  17. Not all,but I can say that most of them come true.All we have to do is keep trying to make our dreams come true.Don't give up until it really come true.Hope your dreams come true soon!

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