
Have you eaten turtle eggs before?

by  |  earlier

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I've eaten them a few times (officially banned but easy to get hold of in Sarawak) but the taste is too salty for me. I prefer chicken egg or duck egg.

How about you?




  1. god, i hope not!

  2. its forbidden for us

  3. i havent eaten them...i kinda pity those creatures...even duck eggs i havent eaten....

  4. No I haven't

    refrain from eating the eggs may help to prevent this endangered species from extinction. we can't save dinosaurs but we can surely  save turtles

    as far as I know, it's not islamically haram, i.e. it's halal

  5. Same here, had it a few times. Boiled turtle eggs are delicious. Not sure if ya can eat em any other way. Whether its haram or not, is a matter of debate.

  6. I would like to share my experience with y'all...  When i was small, i have this bed wetting problem till i was about 6 years old.  In my community, according to the elders, the natural way to fix these leak problem is to take raw turtle eggs everyday till the wetting stops.  So my dad would search high and low for the eggs to help me with my problem.

    I hated the taste to death!  It was gooey and the texture - sandy  & coarse.  I would give zillions of excuses not to take them, i'd cry and jump into hysterical fits when my dad force the eggs content into my mouth... Yucks!!  Talking about it now even traumatised me.  

    Eventualy, the wetting stop.  But till now i don't think the miracle was the eggs.  I pyschologically control my bladder at night so that i don't have to take those eggs in the morning...  I swear i'd never let my children go through the same experience... i'll potty train them...  

    Let the turtles live...

  7. telor penyu!!!

    yes yes

    i like it was easier to get it in the market about 15 years back

    now want to find also very hard man that thing.

    i like it very much

    and eat it raw ! serious

  8. NO sounds nasty

  9. It's not haram..

    yummie for me.. :)

  10. i haven't but I think its nasty.

    why should someone eat turtle egg it will be better to let those turtle hatch than to eat them.

  11. Are they good?

  12. NNNNOOOO!!

  13. NO. and will not intend to. the turtle is going to extinct because we eat their egg. go for chicken or duck egg at less its from the farm


  14. I had it when i was 3 years old, not knowing it belongs to those protected turtle. Some idiot bought it and passed some of it to my sister which in turn boiled it for us to consume.

    That was the first and the last and i will never eat it again. I would rather have those turtles swimming in the ocean rather than they ending up in my tummy. Poor creature...

  15. ewwwwwww...gross....... :-p

    Haiya..pity lah the small fellar...the mommy turtle came all the way deep down the sea and struggle to climb towards the beach and korek all the sands out to lay her eggs..and suddenly some wacko comes and dig all up and make money out of it or eat it!!!! its a cruelty and its like a cold murder!

    there are lots of chickens and ducks egg widely available and it taste nice too..i'm wondering why some humans love eating all the weird things...eeeeewwwww....

    anyway, for Muslims, its Haram as its considered an amphibians who lives both sea and land and it's same goes to Frogs and snakes..

  16. Pls don't eat them. We should stop eating them and help in saving them. They are facing extinction.

    If u all want to eat, i would suggest trying snake eggs. Too many of them and they are harmful to humans.

  17. No.. Never had them

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