
Have you ever been poor?

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What were the worse moments in your life when you were poor besides being poor? I have been poor and I just want to know how YOU felt when you were going through such a horrible time and nobody cared... Sorry if this Q is offensive or sth but it's sth that most ppl are going through... poverty is horrible. Those of u who have been poor know it.. rite?

What did you do to save your family? Did anybody care?

(I watched "The pursuit of happiness" some days ago.. and I just wanted to ask this Q...I cried a lot when I watched it )




  1. Yes I was very poor once, when I was first out on my own, I learnt very quickly how to make money stretch to its fullest how to make the cheapest most nourishing meal I could, these two simple skills have stayed with me my entire life, even though I am no longer poor.

  2. born in a third world country.  relied on the trinkling leak in the bathroom to take a shower.  we caught the leak in a big trash can and used a cup to bathe.  

    dried our clothes on the roof. had more than 12 people living in a 2 story home.

    grandparents stressed education.  father became a doctor, came to USA, and we are one doctor, one vet, and one dentist.

    i remember my roots and that keeps me grounded.

  3. I'm going through poverty right at this moment, I got dumped by my ex having a 2 year old and being 6 months pregnant, he does not give me no money at all for his children, and I have not applied for government aid yet due to some waiting of an important health related thing, I live with my mom and step-dad I don't pay rent since I don't have money, and I feel like I am a load of financial stress on them, since my mom is the one who gives me money for my bus fare I go to college, I don't work I'm almost 8 months pregnant, and it sucks not to have money, because when I go out to the store my daughter wants stuff from the store and I don't have the money, luckily my mom has care about my situation to help me out so much, I cannot wait to get a job so I can start helping her out.

  4. well im not that rich  but if i was really rich i would help by trying to get rid of poverty right now i just donate to charities even though im not that rich

  5. i was so poor i didnt have any money to buy any food for a day. i tried whatever i could and ended up as a squigee girl for that day and earned $5 in 30 mins. then i walked for about 2 hours scouting for the cheapest place to get some grub.  

  6. I was poor. I  was college educated & was working for a CPA firm and just up & quit my job one day & couldn't bring myself to go back to work, or even look.  Eventually, lost my condo I had owed for 12 years, (which if I would have just owned up to the situation I was in, I could have sold it for twice as much as I owed, and when it was sold in foreclosure, I got $1500, when I should have walked away with 30-40K) & went through a bankruptcy & my husband left me (but came back as soon as I got on track).  I had a new baby & was lucky that I had family to rely on for a short time.  If it wasn't for my son, I would have given up.  

    That got me out of my "rut" I got back to work & started being more responsible...6.5 years later.  I now have a job I love, we are in a financial position now where my husband is a stay at home dad, we bought a 2000 sq ft home last year, and now have a 2nd child.  It was tough, and I never thought that I would make it, but we saved & worked hard & it worked out.

    Best of luck in your situation, I am fortunate that I had a degree I could fall back on & make a good living, but it was still hard to recover from lots of debt, and starting at the bottom again when starting over.  

  7. What is the measurement for poverty? If you are considering only the finanical aspect........I would say I'm not rich.......

  8. Been poor? I always am. I feel like sometimes life is boring and there is nothing on offer. You cant do anything or go anywhere  

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm a spoilt kid i dunno.

  10. I have always been and am still poor. My husband is in the military and we are still barely making it. We have enough for our bills,food and all the necessities,nothing extra.

    A lot of people tend to stick their nose up at poor people and think that we are no good. You seem to be a more compassionate person,having been through that.

    I don't mind people that are rich,but I don't like people who are rich and rub it in our faces. I also think that a person should work for their money,not sponge off Mommy and Daddy like Paris Hilton.  I feel like this,you could have all the money in the world today,and lose it tomorrow.

  11. As long as you have love you will never be poor.

    Material things are worthless unless you have someone

    special to share them with.

    If living on the Streets,alone with nothing and no one makes you poor, Then yes I have been poor.

    I am completely the opposite now and have and can have whatever I desire. Yet I have Nothing,

    apart from my children, Grand children and pets for comfort.

    If I had the Special love of one man I would give everything I have now for that!

    There is nothing richer than he who has Love and adoration. Believe me,

  12. When I was a child, there was a period for about 2 years.. I'd often go hungry, my parents couldn't afford our electric or heat bills, they couldn't buy us clothing, and there was no such thing as Christmas gifts... Both of them were heavily drinking then and did not care to do anything but feed their addictions, luckily my mother sobered up.

  13. The worst as a mom is to see your child go without.  Me, I can handle the stares if I don't wear the latest in styles and could care less but it really hurt to see my son not having what he needed or wanted.  

    however, with hard work, additional education (school) and persistence, I was able to better my situation and was able to afford the things that my needed and wanted.  Including a trip to Italy for a couple of months.

  14. i was poor before i found Jesus = ]

  15. Some one said once,"If poverty was a man, I would 'v killed him." When the income doesn't cover the coast of basic needs ( especially for a family man), this wide world shrinks to the size of a peanut butter jar. For many people, in poverty, the preservation of pride and dignity is at risk. I watched that movie too. Even though its a one of a million shot, but his pride and dignity were still in jeopardy throughout the movie. If he wasn't as determined, educated, and considerate (of English Language) etc, he wouldn't 'v made it.    

  16. It is ok if you ask that question, yes I have been before a long time ago we were scared we were going to loose our house and no one cared I had to help support my family it was really hard I'm emotional just think about it:(.... it was really hard especially since my sister had a chronic illness she had to go days with out her medicine:( it was tough no one helped . But we eventually got better and are now middle class. I love that movie it made me cry when will smith was in the bathroom stall and someone was trying to open the door and he kept it shut while crying that movie made me cry it is so touching:)  

  17. could barely afford the $0.89 loaf of bread after my rent (which was cheap to most people).  Had to stretch out the loaf for at least three weeks.  One piece a day, no more.  On the days I wasn't "starving" I wouldn't have one.  Drank water, walked or biked to both of my jobs.  I am sure there were people I could have turned to, but I was too embarrassed... too depressed.  It took me almost three years to dig out of the hole... nearly had myself committed just to have a place to take a shower and sleep... it was awful.  I wish anyone in that situation (and I know there are many that are worse off) the best of luck!

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