
Have you ever called upon Angels?

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I held a child in my hands as its life was expired and called upon Angels to take the soul to heaven. I wonder whom else believes that my prayers were answered.




  1. I don't call upon angels I call on God, and I believe that the child was taken to heaven.  Don\t worry he or she isn't suffering and he or she is watching over you

  2. Once.  I was hoping to get Kate Jackson (circa 1978) but got Drew Barrymore instead.  I'm never doing it again.

  3. What the h**l does that mean??

  4. I am a firm believer in Angels, I have my own reasons.

    Perhaps, my son will be with your child, purple knight,

    my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child.

    I never got to hold mine, sad to say.

    He was still born, and they took him away long before I could even see him

  5. Purple Knight, Your prayers were answered.  I can not even imagine what it was like for you holding your child in your hands.  The Trinity and the Angels were with you and your child, and still are.

    I not only call on the Lord, but I call on Angels all the time.

    May God bless, guide, guard and protect you now and always,

    I am Me

  6. yes. lol, it may sound really silly but i went into a test (GCSEs) and i felt like i needed help remembering (haha) and then i started praying to my guardian angel! lmao :D it help (at least i believe it did)

  7. No i went right to the top.

  8. Um, no.

  9. Well personally, I call on Jesus.  But He does send angels.  

    I know your prayer was answered and I'm sorry for your loss.  The same thing happened to my sister.  Her baby girl died in her arms when she was one day old.

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