
Have you ever cheated? ?

by  |  earlier

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On the one you were with and not felt guilty about it? Did it turn you on knowing that you were doing something bad? Also, did you ever tell that person and are you still together? BE HONEST!




  1. i think anybody on the planet would cheat with a babe like you.

    it's an awesome feeling.

    it's like masturbating for the first time. it's irreplaceable.

    it's the thrill of doing the naughty and not being caught.

    it's awesome cause both of you will probably get down and dirty and skies the limit.

  2. yep in college...should have cheated earlier cuz apparently he was cheating on me for a while before i cheated on him

  3. i've cheated plenty, never told and always felt full of guilt

  4. Never My Husband Was My 1st Boyfriend I Was 14 And I Never Cheated On Him  And We Are Know Married Going On 8 Years But Dated For 5 Years He Is 32 And We've Been Together For 13 Years True  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥ Love ♥♥♥♥ ;)

  5. I have never cheated on my husband!

    and he is in the Army, he leaves for a year or more at a time!

  6. 2nd marriage, never cheated, but was cheated messes with your self esteem. told hubby #2 if he did not want to be with me any more then leave, don't cheat it wold kill me. i can understand if some people don't want to be with just one partner the rest of their lives, and those are the ones who should not get married or be in a committed relationship.

  7. No, one should not cheat on somone. In the end, its gonna hurt u even more than u realize.

  8. I was cheated on by my first husband  -who always said he loved me more than life itself, and I believed him-  and that changed me completely, it destroyed something inside of me.  He broke my heart in tiny little pieces and no one has been able to put it back together...I'm married again, but I promised myself never to fall in love so deeply it would hurt. So, no, I would definitely never do that to anyone, knowing how it destroys you and how much it hurts.

  9. yes,because my ex cheated on me for 7yrs off & on .He always made me feel like it was my fault ,i made him do one day when we had got into a big argument and he beat me up .I left and the 2 days i left town and ran into a old friend from school and i cheated . no, unlike him ,i felt dirty and guilty. yes ,i finally told him after 3 months of guilt and after him cheating on me againfor tha 8th was a 12yr relationship and i left him 3 yrs after i cheated and in 12 yrs with that jerk .i only cheated 1 time to his 50 times with 50 different women.

  10. The most I've ever cheated was I was at a good-bye party for a guy I had a crush on. When I was about to leave, he grabbed me and started kissing me. I kissed him back. I felt soooo guilty. I'm a grown a$$ woman, but I felt guilty. The next time I kissed my man after that, I felt like he could tell I had kissed another man. I got over it though. I never told him. Even when he told me he had cheated on me...And he did a lot more than kiss the girl.

  11. No i have never cheated and i never would cheat on my husband cause i love him more then anything and i respect my vows.

  12. yes :S  my boyfriend loves me to death.. he can't live without me and nor can i.. but u know i just wanted to know other fishes in the ocean... and he kinda understood that since things happened with him too.. its nature hun, can't change it.. if you have done something wrong, and u don't feel guilty about it, break up with the dude, cause u surely don't give about the relationship. for me i was crying in my bed for 5 hours and decided to call my boyfriend and tell him what happened.. he took it cooly cause he knew what i was going through

  13. NEVER!  I have been on the other side and would never hurt someone like I was.

  14. no

  15. Nope

    My ex did though

  16. I cheated on my ex husband with our neighbor lady and now were divorced. I told him and he told me to get out!  

  17. i have never cheated on ANYONE i've dated.

  18. My daddy did.

    Broke my heart.

    Ruined my mom's life.

    Im 12 btw

  19. " He that is robbed

      Knowing not what has been stolen from him

      Let him not know it

      And, he is not robbed at all" _ Shakespeare

         the tragedy with us is that we r robbed of our greatest treasure called "Conscience"...and we are not knowing with conscience can never cheat because he knows what he is doing

  20. Yup, cheated with a married man.

    Blah blah blah... him and I are married now, have been for several years and spend every waking moment together.  So I guess it worked out pretty well.

  21. sorry to much info

  22. No, but my wife has.  She told me, and I knew she felt bad about it.  It was during a time in our marriage when we didn't express our love for each other enough.  I still love her, and we're still together.  Honestly, it was enough to make me do more for her and win her love back.  It hurt for a while (a long while) but she was patient with me as I learned to forgive, because she wanted forgiveness.

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