
Have you ever collected seashells? ?

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Can you describe a shell that you have collected?

What did you do with the shells that you collected?




  1. Small clam shell . white and pink/ purple  & Sand Dollars . Jewelry or picture frames ;)))

  2. i have a box of them

  3. I was on holiday this Summer (about three weeks ago) with family in Israel. And on one particular day I took my niece (aged 3) and nephew (age 5) to a beach in a place called Ashkelon.

    I helped them collect lots of pretty shells from the sand and they took them back for mummy and daddy!

    For the life of me I can't really remember what they looked like, but I do remember my little niece liking one because it had a reddish sort of stain and she said it was a princess shell :) We also have some from previous holiday's in our back garden in our rockery. Thanks sweetie!! ;)

  4. Personally, not since I was a kid. However, six years ago, my then girlfriend were on a beach so the kids could collect shells and we were talking when I heard her 7-year-old boy shout "Katie's in the water!" Her 4-year old daughter had slipped down the side of the sea wall into a deceptively deep rock pool and was bobbing up and down like a cork. (I will never forget that image) It is true when people say " I just reacted." Because i did. It was very scary at the time and I was shaking for a while after I'd plucked her out of the pool.

  5. The only shells I have ever found were just ordinary mussel/clam shells...nothing special.  If you can find the prettier, more unusual shells, you can mount them in shadow boxes.  I saw some recently that were mounted in shadow boxes and had glass fronts.  Very pretty!  These had starfish and coral also.  You can glue them to photo frames, around mirrors, attach to small boxes, etc.

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