
Have you ever...........?

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tell me something that youve done that is totally crazy!




  1. may find this one amusing....

    I was in the school library with my friend Logan, and I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty hot. So we were talking, and then for some reason we just like stared into each others eyes, and then we started making out. Yeaa: Making out. In a school library. Behind a bookshelf, mind you. So there we are, behind the bookshelf, and then we stopped...10 minutes later. Now, I have this extremely good guy friend Charlie. We are wicked close, like we call each other Bro and Sis. So when Logan and I stopped making out, there was Charlie. A foot away, just staring at us. I was so embarrassed, i avoided him for days. Sooo humiliating. But it was fun while it lasted. =P

  2. stripped in front of my mom as a dare.  

  3. Jumped over a chair at church and sprained my ankle.....on my birthday.

    Crutches suck . :P

  4. slept on the beach under the stars next a campfire.

  5. Made Love in the woods on a rainy night .We laid on the soft moss and in the morning when we woke up, we had about a hundred spider bites all over,got an allergic reaction and had to go to the hospital,EXPLAIN that one to the Doctor LOL.Especially because they were all on our backside if you know what i mean. How embarrassing.

  6. well, once i made this e-mail account called sexysexesalot with my best friend and we went onto yahoo answers and asked totally crazy questions. in one we were 36 year old college graduates, in another we were 12 year old s*x addicts... it was sooo fun! we got banned. poor old "flower girl <3"  

  7. my friends and I went to a wrestling match once and wore old clothes, wigs and bubba teeth...we had third row seats. We cheered for the bad guys....and had everyone booing us and cursing us!  It was so much fun.  We don'tt follow wrestling and didn't care who won!  We still laugh and laugh when we talk it! LOL  

  8. Gone streaking in the middle of an Illinois winter.  

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